PODCAST: The Irish Itinerary Podcast

NEW EPISODE: 38. Vivienne Roche in conversation with Charles Armstrong (15/12/2022) In her conversation with Charles Armstrong, Vivienne Roche talks about being a sculptor first; the influence of her father and the language of engineering on her work; sculpture’s potential for abstraction and her interest in architecture; working with the hidden archeology of a site and the research this involves;

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NEW BOOK: Ireland: Interfaces and Dialogues

Ireland: Interfaces and Dialogues. EFACIS Irish Studies in Europe series, vol. 11 (2022). Edited by Ondřej Pilný, Radvan Markus, Daniela Theinová and James Little, the volume ranges across the fields of history, literary studies, music studies, theatre and performance studies, film studies, media studies, and the study of material culture, providing a snapshot of some of the most exciting emerging

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CFP: EFACIS Conference 2023

EFACIS Conference at Queen’s University Belfast, 24-27 August 2023 ‘Unions and Partitions in Ireland’ Call for Papers EFACIS (European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies) travels to Belfast for the first time in 2023, during a pivotal time for Northern Ireland. The ‘Decade of Centenaries’ (2012-22) in the north has demonstrated that public memories of Ireland’s partition and

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