Bibliography Guidelines
Version April 2024
For queries, contact Chris Cusack,
- What to include: books and articles (in journals, collections of essays or conference papers, etc.) on individual Irish and diasporic writers, and on Irish literatures and theatre more generally. For the ‘General Studies’ section, items of a general cultural nature may also be listed, e.g. on language, film, folklore, etc.
- What not to include: history, geography, and sociology articles and books, unless there’s a significant literary or cultural angle; nor translations of Irish literary works into other languages, unless they include an introduction and/or notes, commentary, etc.
- The ‘General Studies’ section is comprised of the following subsections:
- (a) Literature
- (b) Theatre
- (c) Language and culture
- (d) Irish diaspora
- (e) Irish-related work by non-Irish writers
Please use these categories when compiling your submission.
- Publications on the literature of the Irish diaspora should also be included. General works should be listed under ‘General Studies’, subsection (d). Individual authors can be listed under their name in the ‘Individual Authors’ section.
- Items on Irish-related work by non-Irish Anglophone writers such as Edmund Spenser, Anthony Trollope, William Makepeace Thackeray, Matthew Arnold vel sim. are also welcome. Rather than being listed under the writer’s name in the ‘Individual Authors’ section, these should be included in subsection (e) in ‘General Studies’.
- With regard to book reviews, please only include extensive reviews (2,500+ words) that develop larger arguments.
- Any items missed in previous years can be included. Just provide the year of publication if not 2023.
- Do not include articles already listed in a previous IASIL Bibliography unless they have been reprinted in another journal or book. In such cases, please also include original publication details.
- Do not include reprints of books or the publication of paperback editions, unless material has been added, such as a new introduction. Use the copyright date to decide whether or not to include a book.
- If in doubt whether an item should be listed, include it anyway but highlight it, so I can make an editorial decision.
- When compiling your list, please follow the master format by arranging items under the various subsections of ‘General Studies’ as applicable, and then under ‘Individual Authors’, rather than as a single alphabetical list.
- Proofread all items carefully: check author’s names, titles of articles or books, publication details. Take care particularly with diacritical marks. I won’t be able to double-check every entry, so what I receive from you will end up in the published list. If I have queries about anything in your submission, I will get in touch.
Editorial Instructions
- Please use Times New Roman 12 pt throughout, with the first line aligned left (not centred or justified) and indentation for run-on lines; for example:
Note: author’s surname in capital letters; single inverted commas for articles; include the ‘in’ before the journal title, volume and issue number (where applicable); and insert a space after pp.; note the guidelines for page numbers: 60-85, 60-7; 123-35, 462-6, and so on. Don’t include year of publication, unless it’s not 2021 – see 7 supra.
- For articles and books in languages other than English, add a rough translation of the title after a forward slash; for example:
FARAUT, Martine, ‘Les Tories, la famine et l’Irlande, une lecture de Blackwood’s “Edinburgh Magazine”, janvier 1844-décembre 1848 / The Tories, the Irish Famine, a lecture in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Jan 1844-Dec 1848’, in Études irlandaises, 28:1, Spring, pp. 109-24. [In French].
Note: for articles, the original title should be in italics, but not the translation; for books, both titles should be in italics. There should be a space before and after the slash. Indicate the original language at the end between square brackets.
- Within single quotation marks you should use double quotation marks, as in:
COUGHLAN, Patricia, ‘“Does a Man Die at Your Feet…”: Gender, History, Representation in The Catastrophist’, in IUR, 33:2, pp. 371-91.
- If more than one publication by an author is included, the second entry should not repeat the author’s name. Instead, use a double em-dash followed by a comma, as in:
HASHIMOTO, I.Y., ‘On Seamus Heaney’s Hair’, in Iowa Review, 33:1, pp. 159-63.
——, The Bottomless Centre: The Uses of History in the Poetry of Seamus Heaney, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łodzkiego (Łodz), 185.
Entries should be sorted alphabetically by the first word of the title (articles not included).
- If a book is published by two publishers (most often US and UK) and the editions differ, provide both names and locations, as well as the page counts. For example:
FOSTER, R.F., W.B. Yeats, A Life II: The Arch-Poet, 1915-1939, OUP (New York), 798, & OUP (Oxford), 822.
If the two editions are identical, it is not necessary to include details for both.
- Where there are several editors or authors, punctuation and initialing should be as follows:
MALCOLM, D., KUBIŃSKA, O., & MODRZEWSKI, S., eds., Eseje o współczesnej poezji brytyjskiej i irlandzkiej / Essays on Contemporary British and Irish Poetry, Vol. 2, University of Gdańsk Press (Gdańsk). [In Polish].
If there are more than three authors, use ‘et al.’.
- Abbreviations can be used for common journals and publishers. Commonly accepted abbreviations such as PMLA, ELH, IUR, plus OUP, CUP, and more generally UP after any university press should be used. However, do not use abbreviations that users in other countries would not normally recognise.
- The listing of collections of conference papers or articles by numerous contributors can cause problems. The easiest way to ensure that everyone’s contribution is acknowledged is to use the following method:
Unless the collection focuses on a single author, the general entry including bibliographical details of authors/editors, title, publication details, and total page count should appear under ‘General Studies’, for example:
DE TORO SANTOS, Antonio Raul, & CLARK MITCHELL, D., eds., As Nove Ondas. First International Symposium on Celtic Studies, Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade da Coruña (A Coruña), 212. [Articles in English, Galician and Spanish].
If a collection is author-based, then the main entry would be as follows. For example, under SWIFT:
REAL, Hermann J., & STÖVER-LEIDIG, Helgard, eds., Reading Swift: Papers from the Fourth Münster Symposium on Jonathan Swift, Fink (Munich), 452.
Articles within the collection are then listed under individual contributors in the appropriate section, as follows:
CASTIÑEIRA NOVO, Manuel, ‘Notas en torno ao celtismo: Plácido R. Castro / Some Notes on Celticism: Plácido R. Castro’, in De Toro Santos & Clark Mitchell, pp. 169-76. [In Galician].
If a collection is listed under ‘General Studies’ but an article should appear under a specific author, then the entry would be as follows, for example, under EDGEWORTH:
FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Carmen María, ‘Las representaciones de Irlanda en “The Absentee” de Maria Edgeworth / The representations of Ireland in Maria Edgeworth’s The Absentee’, see under GENERAL STUDIES, LITERATURE: De Toro Santos & Clark Mitchell, pp. 67-73. [In Spanish].
Do not repeat full publication details for each contribution, but do make sure that each individual chapter is listed separately. However, if details of individual items in an author-based collection are hard to get, you can omit them.
- For books or articles on two or more writers, put the full bibliographical details under the heading of the first or primary author discussed. The following item would appear under McGUINNESS:
McMULLAN, Anna, ‘Unhomely Bodies and Dislocated Identities in the Drama of Frank McGuinness and Marina Carr’, in Segal, Naomi, Taylor, Lib, & Cook, Roger, eds., The In/Determinate Body, Macmillan (London), pp. 181-91.
Under CARR, the entry would read:
See under McGUINNESS: McMullan.
- If possible, for publications available online (including articles, chapters, books, etc.), include the stable URL or, if available, the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). As the Bibliography is now published digitally, this will allow us to directly link to the publications.
CORPORAAL, M., CUSACK, C., & JANSSEN, L., ‘Reimagining Rural Ireland: Famine, Migration and Feudalism in Irish and Irish North-American Fiction, 1860-1916’, Breac, 8.
GARDEN, Alison, ‘Girlhood, Desire, Memory, and Northern Ireland in Lucy Caldwell’s Short Fiction’, in Contemporary Women’s Writing, 12:3, pp. 306-21. DOI:
- For further examples of the above, please see the most recent Bibliography in the Autumn/Winter issue of IUR:
Guide written by Beatriz Kopschitz Bastos
Updated by Chris Cusack
April 2023