IASIL Bibliography Committee
Chair of the Bibliography Committee: Christopher Cusack
Members of the IASIL Bibliography Committee
See Bibliography guidelines here.
Country | Surname | Name | |
Argentina | Kodnia | Leonel | l.kodnia@usal.edu.ar |
Australia | Cusack | Chris | iasil.bibliography@gmail.com |
Austria | Boller | Alessandra | boller@anglistik.uni-siegen.de |
Belgium | Ingelbien | Raphaël | Raphael.Ingelbien@arts.kuleuven.be |
Brazil | Pacheco | Victor Augusto | victor.augusto.pacheco@gmail.com |
Canada | Hynes | Erin | erinhynesconcordia@gmail.com |
China, Hong Kong, Macao | Li | Yuan | boobooli@vip.sina.com |
Czech Republic | Pilný | Ondřej | ondrej.pilny@ff.cuni.cz |
Croatia | Grubica | Irena | igrubica@gmail.com |
France | Lecossois | Hélène | h.lecossois@free.fr |
Germany | Boller | Alessandra | boller@anglistik.uni-siegen.de |
Hungary India |
Bertha vacant |
Csilla |
csillabertha@gmail.com iasil.bibliography@gmail.com |
Iran | Mansouri | Shahriyar | s_mansouri@sbu.ac.ir |
Ireland | Gallenne | Rosanne | rosanne.gallenne@ucdconnect.ie |
Italy | Fantaccini | Fiorenzo | fiorenzo.fantaccini@unifi.it |
Japan | Yamauchi | Shotaro | ukuszk86@gmail.com |
South Korea | Kim | Youngmin | yk4147@daum.net |
Netherlands | Cusack | Chris | iasil.bibliography@gmail.com |
New Zealand | Cusack | Chris | iasil.bibliography@gmail.com |
Norway | Moi | Ruben | ruben.moi@uit.no |
Poland | Lachman | Michał | milach@poczta.wp.pl |
Portugal | Casal | Teresa | mcasal@campus.ul.pt |
Singapore | Cusack | Chris | iasil.bibliography@gmail.com |
South Africa | Cusack | Chris | iasil.bibliography@gmail.com |
Spain | Amenedo Costa | Mónica | mamenedo@udc.es |
Sweden | Ryan | Barry | barry.ryan.gu@gmail.com |
Switzerland | Boller | Alessandra | boller@anglistik.uni-siegen.de |
Taiwan | Kao | Wei H. | whkao@ntu.edu.tw |
Turkey | Cusack | Chris | iasil.bibliography@gmail.com |
UK | Leech | Muireann | muirleech@yahoo.co.uk |
US | Blanchard | Drew | blancha5@uwm.edu |