CFP: Finite, Singular and Exposed: Who’s Afraid of the Modernist Individual?

University of Córdoba (Spain) 30-31 October, 2014 There was a time when the individual was the central category in Modernism. It was a time of quasi-blind reliance on the Hegelian oppositions self-versus-reality and self-versus-society, critical talismans tirelessly employed by Marxist critics from Lukács through Goldmann. In fact, Lukács’s censorious construal of the modernist novel as an anomalous form bound to

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Instructions for IASIL Bibliography

Editorial Instructions 1. Use Times New Roman and 10 point throughout, with the first line left-hand justified and indentation for run-on lines: KATZ, Daniel, ‘Beckett’s Measures: Principles of Pleasure in Molloy and First Love’, in Modern Fiction Studies, 49:2, pp. 246-60. 2.  For articles and books in languages other than English, add a rough translation of the title after a

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IASIL Bibliography Announcement

Dear Members,   The deadline to send bibliographical items to the IASIL Bibliography Committee is March 30th.  Here is the list of representatives by geographical area: Argentina: Juan José Delaney, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Australia: Dr Frank Molloy, School of Humanities, Charles Sturt University, WaggaWagga NSW 2678, Australia. Austria: Professor Dr Werner Huber and Sandra Mayer. Institut fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik, University of

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CFP: Irish Hunger, Poverty and Migration: A transatlantic perspective

Quinnipiac University Since 1976, the Ulster-American Heritage Symposium has met every two years, alternating between co-sponsoring universities and museums in Ulster and North America. The twentieth meeting of the Symposium will be hosted at two venues in the United States. The first program will be hosted by Ireland’s Great Hunger Institute, Quinnipiac University, Connecticut, 18 -21 June 2014, and the

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Scholars needed for discussion in Washington DC re: THE MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY art exhibit

[private] The show (which is scheduled to travel) opens at Gallery Al-Quds in Washington, D.C., on September 6  and closes Oct 6.  Please see the post announcing the exhibit under "Events." Dagmar is programming films, music, and panel discussions and is seeking scholars in the Washington, D.C. area who might discuss some of the history, as well as some of

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Call for Papers: Eire-Ireland

[private] ÉIRE-IRELAND: CALL FOR PAPERSEire-Ireland: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Irish Studies welcomes submissions for a 2015 special issue on the impact of radio and television on Irish culture. With the 50th anniversary of RTÉ television in 2012, a new, more retrospective phase of Irish media history was given a focus. This special issue of Eire-Ireland seeks to develop that focus.

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Irish Dramatists in Conversation: the 2013 Synge Summer School

[private] Irish Dramatists in Conversation: the 2013 Synge Summer School 27-30 June 2013, Rathdrum Co Wicklow, Ireland. Applications now being accepted on (student rates available) Featuring: Dermot Bolger, Stuart Carolan, Marina Carr, Declan Hughes, Deirdre Kinahan, Owen McCafferty, Mark O’Rowe, and Enda Walsh. Directed by Patrick Lonergan This year’s Synge Summer School gathers together many of Ireland’s leading dramatists

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Hy Brasil: The Metamorphosis of an Island From Cartographic Error to Celtic Elysium

[private] Hy Brasil: The Metamorphosis of an Island From Cartographic Error to Celtic Elysium  Barbara Freitag  Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York, NY 2013. XII, 343 + 5 colour ill. pp. (Textxet 69) ISBN: 978-90-420-3641-3                                 Paper ISBN: 978-94-012-0910-6                                 E-Book Online info:   Brasil Island, better known as Hy Brasil, is a phantom island. In the fourteenth century Mediterranean mapmakers marked it on

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