New Book: Hidden Cargoes by Chris Arthur

EastOver Press is proud to announce the upcoming publication of Hidden Cargoes, a collection of essays by award-winning essayist Chris Arthur. The title will be released on October 15, 2022. In Hidden Cargoes, Arthur ranges over subjects as various as a girl’s ear, a vulture’s egg, and the letters in a Scrabble game. Whatever the topic—and Arthur’s interests are wide-ranging, to say the least—these unorthodox

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New Book: Irish Drama and Wars in the Twentieth Century – Wei H. Kao

This book delves into how playwrights, whether canonical or less frequently discussed in the academic sphere, have critically and creatively engaged with the Anglo-Irish War, the Irish Civil War, the Easter Rising, the Northern Ireland Troubles and other conflicts. It not only approaches their plays―some of which have not been subject to much study―in relevant historical contexts, but also explores

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Workshop: Decarbonizing Research Methods Workshop – University of Galway

This half-day workshop event will bring together researchers and students in an interdisciplinary event that explores the carbon impact of our research methods and undertakings, and whether we can, as researchers and students, work towards decarbonizing our research methods. As a central part of university operations and processes, research itself should also aim towards net-zero emissions. But how can this

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CFP: Strange Atmospheres: The Seventh International Flann O’Brien Conference

The Call for Papers is now open for Strange Atmospheres: The Seventh International Flann O’Brien Conference The Department of English at Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj, with the International Flann O’Brien Society 27–30 June 2023 CONFIRMED SPEAKERS Joseph Brooker (Birkbeck College, University of London)  Flore Coulouma (Université Paris Nanterre) Paul Fagan (Salzburg University) Heather Laird (University College Cork) The conference title, ‘Strange Atmospheres,’

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The Johnson Chair in Québec and Canadian Irish Studies, funded by the Canadian Irish Studies Foundation, Dr. Jane ​G. V. McGaughey, ​Associate Professor of Irish Diaspora Studies at Concordia University’s School of Irish Studies is launching a new #IrishStudies podcast. With the aim of sharing her research to a broad audience beyond students and academics, Dr. McGaughey will be launching the

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New Book: Culture, Contention and Identity in Seventeenth-Century Ireland

Culture, Contention and Identity in Seventeenth-Century Ireland: Antonius Bruodinus’ Anatomical Examination of Thomas Carve’s Apologetic Handbook Edited by Giacomo Fedeli, Luke McInerney and Brian Ó Dálaigh This is the first English translation of an important seventeenth-century contention between two Irish clerics. The detail uncovered reveals much about Gaelic-Irish culture and society at this turbulent period in Irish history. The two

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