JOB: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, School of English, Drama & Film

Applications are invited for two temporary posts of a Post-doctoral Research Fellow Level 1 within UCD School of English, Drama & Film.

The successful candidates will work on the Wellcome Trust funded project “Drinking Cultures: The Cultural Reception of Medical Developments Related to Alcohol in Ireland, 1700-1900” under the direction of Dr Lucy Cogan. The “Drinking Cultures” project is the first long-view study to analyse the relationship between medical constructions of alcohol misuse and literary representations of alcohol consumption in Ireland from 1700-1900. The project’s multi-directional approach considers how the medicalisation of drunkenness 1) shaped depictions of the behaviour in Irish literature, 2) how these literary depictions impacted the wider culture, and 3) how culturally-embedded constructions of “problem” drinking among the Irish then influenced medical understandings via the deep-rooted association between Irishness and drunkenness, which still affects health policy today.

Applications are invited from researchers in the fields of Irish literature, medical humanities, and eighteenth or nineteenth century literature. Applications are particularly welcome from those whose work intersects with the themes of the project, i.e. literary representations of alcohol or drug use; the medicalisation of habits and behaviours in the eighteenth or nineteenth centuries; the cultural dissemination of medical concepts or frameworks in literary texts in the eighteenth or nineteenth centuries; governmentality and the disciplinary apparatus in eighteenth or nineteenth century Irish culture. Experience working with digital humanities techniques and approaches would also be an advantage.

This is an academic research role, where you will conduct a specified programme of research supported by research training and development under the supervision and direction of a Principal Investigator.

The primary purpose of the role is to further develop your research skills and competences, including the processes of publication in peer-reviewed academic publications, the development of funding proposals, the mentorship of graduate students along with the opportunity to develop your skills in research led teaching.

Post Doc Level 1 Fixed Salary: €42,783

Closing date: 17:00hrs (local Irish time) on 8th of December 2023.

Applications must be submitted by the closing date and time specified. Any applications which are still in progress at the closing time of 17:00hrs (Local Irish Time) on the specified closing date will be cancelled automatically by the system. UCD are unable to accept late applications.

Prior to application, further information (including application procedure) should be obtained from the Work at UCD website: