Fail Better: presented by Poet in the City. 17th February, 7.30pm.

‘to be an artist is to fail, as no other dare fail’

Writing in a time of global change and at the intersection of literary modernism and postmodernism, Samuel Beckett’s work was preoccupied with the failure of language to express the human condition. Resolved to finding a way for language to ‘fail better’, Beckett’s writing ripped up convention and created new limits for language and people.

Join us for an evening of live poetry, performance and discussion exploring Samuel Beckett’s famed approach to failure.

When is failure a good thing? Poet in the City’s 2020 programme contemplates failure as a catalyst for change. 

Save 15% if you book full price tickets for all three events in the programme.
£10 – 17 full price, £8 – 15 concessions

Find out more about the other two events:
Fail Better 2020: Che Guevara
Fail Better 2020: James Baldwin