YMobility Post Doctoral Position ISS21, UCC

Closing Date for Applications:  12th June 2015

Department: Institute for Social Sciences in the 21st century (ISS21)

College: College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences

Contract Type: Fixed term Whole-Time / Fixed Term Part-Time

Job Type: Research

Salary: €33,975 – €38,155 p.a. (New Entrants) (FTE: 1 for 25 months ; 0.5. for 6 months)

Position Summary

Project: Youth mobility: maximising opportunities for individuals, labour markets and regions in Europe (YMOBILITY)

The project is funded by the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 from March 2015 until February 2018.

YMOBILITY develops a comprehensive research programme which addresses the following:

  • Identifying, and quantifying the main types of international youth mobility in the EU and their key characteristics. Particular attention will be given to differences between and within three main types: highly skilled, less skilled and students;
  • Understanding what determines which individuals do and which do not participate in international mobility as personal and professional development strategies: their motives, migration channels and information sources;
  • Analysing the individual outcomes in terms of both employability and careers (skills and competences) and non-economic terms (welfare and identities);
  • Analysing the territorial outcomes for the regions of both origin and destination, in economic, demographic and cultural terms;
  • Differentiating between short-term and long-term outcomes, taking into account return migration and future intentions to migrate;
  • Identifying implications for policies in migration but also of education, the economy and housing.

The research will utilise existing secondary data for the whole of the EU, but will mainly rely on primary quantitative and qualitative data.

The study will focus on nine countries representing different contexts for youth mobility: Romania, Slovakia and Latvia as sources of emigration and return; the UK and Sweden as destinations for migrants; Germany, Italy, Ireland and Spain as both major destinations and countries of origin. The policy analysis will be informed by interviews undertaken with key informants, such as migrant associations and policy-makers.

Post Duration and Starting Date

The proposed postdoctoral position is for 25 months full time with a further 6 months on a part-time basis, commencing on 1 August 2015or as soon as is practicable.

Key Duties and Responsibilities

This title will apply to newly qualified Post-Doctoral Researchers and will be considered as a period of training as the researcher will have dual goals in terms of the research project and their own career development.  The researcher will be mentored by a Principal Investigator (PI).  It is expected that a researcher would spend not more than 3 years at the Post Doctoral level, subject to the term of the project and would then be eligible to compete for a Senior Post Doctoral post advertised by the University.

The primary focus of the Postdoctoral Researcher will be research however a particular emphasis during this stage should include;

  • To conduct a programme of research for the YMobility project under the supervision and direction of the Principal Investigator.
  • To provide day-to-day coordination of the UCC portion of YMobility, a large H2020-funded collaborative research project
  • To ensure project objectives and milestones are met and project deliverables are achieved in a timely fashion
  • To conduct quantitative and qualitative research as required by the YMobility project
  • To support the Principal Investigator to contribute to the project at consortium level
  • To become familiar with the publication process.
  • To engage in an agreed programme of publication and dissemination of the results of the research in which they are engaged, as directed by, with the support of and under the supervision of a Principal Investigator.
  • To engage in appropriate training and professional development opportunities as required by the P.I. and/or ISS21 in order to develop research skills and competencies
  • To carry out administrative work to support the research project
  • To acquire generic and transferable skills (including project management, business skills and postgraduate mentoring/supervision).
  • To gain experience in grant writing.
  • To engage in the wider research and scholarly activities of the research group, School or College.
  • To interact closely with postgraduate research students who are studying for a Masters or a PhD and possibly have an agreed role in supporting these students in their day to day research in conjunction with an academic supervisor.
  • To carry out additional duties as may reasonably be required within the general scope and level of the post.
  • To contribute to costing research grant proposals and assist in the financial management of a research project.
  • To engage in appropriate training and professional development opportunities as required by the Principal Investigator, School or College in order to develop research skills and competencies.


  • A PhD in a relevant field (essential)
  • A commitment to gaining practical experience working on a research project.
  • Experience with the analysis of large datasets (essential)
  • Experience in the conduct of qualitative interviews (essential)
  • Experience in project management (essential)
  • An ability to work well within a team-based research project (essential)
  • Good communications, organisational and interpersonal skills (essential)
  • Good writing skills (essential)
  • Appropriate technical competence and accomplishment.
  • A capability of working within a project team to achieve results.
  • A familiarity with relevant software (desirable)
  • Experience of research in the area of migration and/or labour market studies (essential)

For Informal Enquiries on the post candidates should contact:

PI: Dr Piaras Mac Éinrí

Email Address: copy your message to both ymobility@ucc.ie and p.maceinri@ucc.ie

Telephone+35321 4902207

To Apply:

Please submit a short cover letter and C.V. to Dr Piaras Mac Éinrí – email: ymobility@ucc.ie and cc. to p.maceinri@ucc.ie on or before the closing date 12th June 2015.

Supplementary Information on ISS21 at http://www.ucc.ie/en/ISS21

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