ELOPE JOURNAL: Irish Literature and non-Anglophone Europe

Special issue of the University of Ljubljana’s English Studies journal, ELOPE, (Vol. 21, No. 2, 2024)

Guest edited by Aidan O’Malley and Anamarija Šporčič,

Now available online (open access).

Front cover of the journal

Table of Contents:

Introduction: Rethinking Irish Literature and Non-Anglophone Europe
Aidan O’Malley

Special Issue Articles
Ego Dominus Tuus: Castiglione, Dante, and Yeats
Andrew Fitzsimons

The Presence of Swift in Slovene Translation and Commentary
John Stubbs

“More at Home Here than in Her Native Land”: F.D. Sheridan’s Image of Spain
Verónica Membrive

Migrant Voices in the Plurilingual Poetry and Creative Practice of Fióna Bolger
Aneta Stępień

Musical Form as a Framing Device: Absolute Music and Desiderius a Dó [The Second Desiderius] by Pádraig Ó Cíobháin
Sorcha de Brún

“Vsaj En Stavek Povej Normally”: Anglicisms and Code-Switching in Slovene Youth Slang
Lea Košmrl

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