CFP: New Perspectives on Irish Culture – celebrating a diverse field

Irish Humanities Alliance | 5-6 September 2024 | University of Limerick

This conference, supported by the Irish Humanities Alliance (IHA) and the Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at the University of Limerick, aims to foreground the diversity of approaches and perspectives that currently inform the study of Irish cultures, past, present, and future. It aims to bring together scholars working across a wide range of disciplines in
order to generate new perspectives on how Irish cultures are being studied, how Irish cultures are being framed and deployed, and on the multiplicity and diversity of Irish cultures.

As a collective space of enquiry, Irish cultural studies have the capacity to facilitate new and expansive ways of critically understanding questions of individual and community identity, meaning, and representation. This conference aims to foreground, explore, and celebrate the multiple and diverse way that scholars are engaging with the diverse, complex, and
challenging cultures of Ireland – past, present, and future; both on and off, to and from, the island itself; and across a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. As such, the conference will explore studies of artistic and intellectual production as well as beliefs, ideas, and practices; cultural history as a way of studying the past; cultural values, social practices, and creative
expressions; and cultural theories – dealing with such themes as class, religion, gender, and language.

Call for Papers
We invite 250-word proposals for 20-minute papers/ performances/ research presentations that respond to the theme of new perspectives on Irish cultures from the fields of material culture studies, sociology, migration studies, music and dance studies, Traveller/Mincéir studies, theology and religion, urban studies and spatial studies, food studies, art and architectural history, geography, disability studies, gender studies, philosophy, applied linguistics, literature and history (among others). This conference will be fully hybrid, and papers can be delivered live-online as well as in person.

As well as focusing on emerging scholarship, the conference will highlight processes and practices of research, and research collaborations. Therefore, proposals from practitioner-researchers, as well as those who work in or in collaboration with galleries, libraries, archives and museums, digital projects, public engagement and public history initiatives, cultural
institutions or in the public sector, are encouraged.

Submission Deadline: 31 May 2024

Email paper proposals to: Dr Niamh NicGhabhann – Niamh.NicGhabhann [@] or Prof Sonja Tiernan s.tiernan [@]

Steering committee:
Dr Niamh NicGhabhann (UL); Dr Karol Mullaney-Dignam (UL); Dr Sophie Cooper (QUB) & Prof Sonja Tiernan (IHA)

Further information:
Irish Humanities Alliance – Promoting the Value of the Humanities
19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
Coordinator Prof Sonja Tiernan s.tiernan [@]