SEMINAR: George Moore in Dublin, Hugh Lane Gallery
Friday 23 February 2024, 10am-4pm
This seminar George Moore in Dublin will explore themes arising from the life, art, time and milieu of the pioneering Irish writer George Moore (1852-1933) and will include the following illustrated talks:
- ‘George Moore and Hugh Lane’s Gallery of Modern Art’, Logan Sisley, acting Head of Collections, HLG
- ‘Ireland’s Debt to George Moore – a personal appraisal’, Peter Costello, author, critic and editor.
- ‘ “A place to escape from”: almost home – George Moore’s Dublin’, Dr Noreen Doody, former senior lecturer at the School of English, Dublin City University and lecturer on Irish writing of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
- ‘George Moore and the British Impressionist Painter Clara Christian McCarthy’, Adrian Frazier, emeritus professor of University of Galway and a Member of the Royal Irish Academy.
The programme includes a recital by Una Hunt, internationally renowned pianist of work by Michele Esposito (1855-1929), Augusta Holmès (1847-1903), Claude Debussy (1862-1918) and Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849). Introduced by Dr Mary Pierse, Trustee, The George Moore Association and co-editor with Kathryn Laing of George Moore: Spheres of Influence (Liverpool University Press).
George Moore in Dublin will be chaired by Dr Brendan Fleming, a graduate of the University of Oxford where his doctoral thesis focused on the writings of George Moore.
We look forward to seeing you and keep an eye out here for further details of the programme.
Free, a number of tickets are available via Eventbrite and while the event may appear to be sold out there is extra capacity in person on the day and no booking is required.
George Moore in Dublin is presented in association with the George Moore Association.
Seminar: George Moore in Dublin – Hugh Lane Seminar: George Moore in Dublin