WEBINAR: Beyond the Barricades: Ireland at the Prague Quadrennial.

Irish Society for Theatre Research Webinar | October 12 | Online (zoom)

Beyond the Barricades: Ireland at the Prague Quadrennial’ – Siobhán O’Gorman in conversation with Liam Doona, Niall Rea, and artists from the student exhibit at PQ23.

The Irish Student Exhibition at the Prague Quadrennial was an All-Island approach, with student groups from both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland taking part. Join this event to hear from the team involved in creating the Irish exhibit as well as learning more about Ireland’s history and engagement with the Prague Quadrennial. 

The Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space was established in 1967 to bring the best of design for performance, scenography, and theatre architecture to the front line of cultural activities to be experienced by professional and emerging artists as well as the general public. 

The event is free to register and attend.

Click here to Register