PUBLICATION: Issue 18 of Estudios Irlandeses now out
The Editorial Team of Estudios Irlandeses wish to announce the publication of issue 18 of the journal Estudios Irlandeses, which features fifteen articles, two interviews, a “Think piece” celebrating 100 years from the publication of Joyce’s Ulysses, a scholarly translation, and reviews of Irish books, films, television and media. The contents can be accessed in the following link:
They also wish to announce that the Call for Papers for issue 19 of the journal, to be published in March 2024, is now open. Please note that potential authors will subscribe to a personal ethical code and will submit their proposals adhering to specific language and gender policies, and following a designed style sheet and template. You will find this information in the section “Submissions / New Issue” at
We take this chance to remind you of the high academic standard of Estudios Irlandeses. Doubly awarded by the Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology (FECYT) with a quality seal in recognition of scientific and publishing excellence and of good editorial practice in gender equality and inclusivity, it is also indexed in the following directories and databases: SJR, Scopus, Web of Science, Emerging Sources Citation Index, MLA, DOAJ, Academic Search Premier, Directory of Open Access Journals, MIAR, ERIHPlus, Latindex, CIRC, CSIC, DICE, CAIN, ISOC, Journal Scholar Metrics, RESH, DULCINEA, Ulrichsweb and Dialnet Plus.
The Editorial Team
Marisol Morales-Ladrón, General editor
Asier Altuna-García de Salazar, Managing editor
Auxiliadora Pérez-Vides, Managing editor
Alfred Markey, Proofreader