The Johnson Chair in Québec and Canadian Irish Studies, funded by the Canadian Irish Studies Foundation, Dr. Jane ​G. V. McGaughey, ​Associate Professor of Irish Diaspora Studies at Concordia University’s School of Irish Studies is launching a new #IrishStudies podcast.

With the aim of sharing her research to a broad audience beyond students and academics, Dr. McGaughey will be launching the first series of episodes exploring the histories and legacies of Irish immigrants and their descendants in Canada​, revealing what it meant to be Irish in pre-Confederation Québec and Canada.  In these short episodes, ​she will investigate key events and personalities from ​Irish Canadian history that do not usually get much air play.

The Irish in Canada Podcast website is: That’s where you will find show notes for episodes including lists of sources and recommendations for further reading.

You can spread the word about The Irish in Canada by following us on Twitter and Instagram – @​irishcanadapod

Stay tuned for September 29th!