Ireland’s first working-class studies conference: 8th-12th November, 2021. 1st 3 days on Zoom, 11th & 12th in-person at Liberty Hall, Dublin.

We are excited to announce the schedule for Ireland’s first working-class studies conference! The conference will now take place 8th-12th November, 2021. Over 5 days there will be 30 panels, 2 Keynote Speakers and 2 live Performance evenings.

First 3 days take place online via ZOOM. The final 2 days 11th & 12th are in-person at Liberty Hall

Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Ebun Joseph is a Race relations consultant, Director of the Institute of Antiracism and Black Studies and Chairperson of the African Scholars Association Ireland (AFSAI). Dr. Joseph is an author, TV panelist, Columnist, equality activist and convenor of various webinars on Anti-Racism. With a research focus on Labour markets and race relations, she has presented at several conferences, businesses and non-profits. Ebun is published and contributes regular responses on contemporary issues of racism in Ireland. Her recent book is titled, Racial stratification in Ireland: A Critical race theory of labour market inequality with Manchester University press. She also co-authored the book, Challenging Perceptions of Africa in Schools: Critical Approaches to Global Justice Education with Routledge in Jan 2020.

Dr. Michael Pierse
Dr Michael Pierse is Senior Lecturer in Irish Literature at Queen’s University Belfast. His research mainly explores the writing and cultural production of Irish working-class life. Over recent years, this work has expanded into new multi-disciplinary contexts, including the study of festivals and theatre-as-research practices. Pierse has also been working recently on representations of race and marginalised identities generally in Irish writing. He is author of Writing Ireland’s Working-Class: Dublin After O’Casey (Palgrave: 2011) and editor of the recent collections, A History of Irish Working-Class Writing (Cambridge University Press, 2017) and Rethinking the Irish Diaspora: After The Gathering (Palgrave, 2018; co-edited with Dr Johanne Devlin Trew). 

See full schedule here:

Registration page here: