CfP: Estudios Irlandeses, Issue 17. Deadline, Nov 2021

Dear IASIL members

I hope this message finds you in good health. I would like to remind you of the Call for Papers for issue 17 of the journal Estudios Irlandeses, to be published in March 2022. Submissions that engage in a critical and original way with aspects of Irish literature, history, arts and the media should be sent to not later than 1 November 2021, following the instructions detailed in

Estudios Irlandeses is the scholarly journal of the Spanish Association for Irish Studies (AEDEI). Open accessed, it is published online once a year, around St Patrick’s Day, covering a broad scope of interdisciplinary approaches within the field of Irish studies. Each issue includes original articles, interviews, literary translations and a comprehensive review of Irish-themed books produced the year before both in Spain and around the world. Its publication policy is subject to a double-bind peer review process and guarantees a sound, unbiased and fair evaluation conducted by an expert. With a vision to reach a wide international audience, the mission of Estudios Irlandeses is to offer high-quality research and knowledge relevant for a specialist and non-specialist readership.

Since its foundation in 2005, the recognition of the high standard of the journal has significantly increased. Awarded with the FECYT quality seal for excellence in scientific journals, recently renewed in 2021, it is indexed in the following directories and databases: Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index, MLA, DOAJ, Academic Search Premier, Directory of Open Access Journals, MIAR, ERIHPlus, Latindex and Dialnet.

All the best

Marisol Morales-Ladrón

Estudios Irlandeses, General Editor