Irish University Review, Celebrating 50 years in 2020! 50th Golden Jubilee Anniversary Edition of The Irish University Review.

The Irish University Review is the premier and leading journal in Irish literary criticism. It covers, on a global scale, all aspects of Irish literature in the English language.
This special 50th Anniverary Edition – indeed, our Golden Jubilee Edition! – is themed “Irish Studies Now” and contains a singular, dare we say ‘unique’ collection of articles and essays on a wide variety of Irish Studies themes and topics that while being eclectic are still bound together by the overarching themes of diversity, equality, and inclusivity.
Thus this Golden Jubilee edition is a most welcome, timely, and very needed intervention into a field of study that has been noted for its homogeneous whiteness and critiqued by some for its blindness to the intersectionality and multiculturalism of 21st Century Post-Colonial, Literary, and Biopolitical criticism and theory;
Some of the essays carried in this Golden Jubilee issue tackle timely and challenging topics such as:
— critical reviews of diversity, criticism and openness of Irish Studies today;
— the role of Irish Studies from the late 19th to late 20th Centuries;
— a much-needed critique of Irish Universities over-reliance on precarious and casual lecturers and tutors;
— disability and identity in Irish criticism;
— Irish Working Class literature;
— Contemporary Feminist protest and #MeToo in Irish Theatre;
— a ‘then and now’ look at Irish Studies;
— a critique of Irish studies in terms of whiteness, academia, and activism;
— a critical exchange that asks does Irish Studies do any justice to or serve diversity well – or serve it at all
— new technologies of and digital research for Early Modern Irish Studies
— a debate on bilingualism vs plurilingualism
— a timely exploration of the intrinsic and overlooked value of Irish Studies archives
— a re-examination of poetic form
— reports and critiques of overseas Irish Studies from Europe, Japan, South America,New Zealand and Australia
as well as several other groundbreaking essays and reviews ….
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Authors and contributors include: Deirdre Flynn; Emilie Pine; Anne Mulhall; Anne Fogarty; Michael Pierse; Emma Creedon; Chimanka Enyi-Amadi and Emma Penney; Coilin Parsons; Margaret Kelleher; Patrica Kennon; Éilís Ní Dhuibhne Almqvist; Eric Falci; John Branigan; Marie Louise Coolahan; Andrew Fitzsimons; Dianne Hall and Ronan McDonald; Ondřej Pilný; Beatriz Kopschitz Bastos; Lucy Collins; Lisa Fitzpatrick; Matt Kennedy; Katie Mischler; Anthony Roche; Christopher Murray; Maurice Harmon;