Online Symposium and Book Launch: Irish Literature in Transition; Vols. 1-6: 16:00 IST 21 May via Zoom

This online symposium celebrates the launch of the Cambridge University Press six-volume essay series Irish Literature in Transition (2020), a new and dynamic account of Ireland’s literary history over 300 years.

The General Editors of the series are Claire Connolly and Marjorie Howes and other volumes have been edited  by Moyra Haslett, Matt Campbell, Eve Patten, Paige Reynolds and Eric Falci. The event is a collaboration between the Trinity Long Room Hub and the British Association for Irish Studies 2020 online conference.

IASIL members may like to know that the six books are freely  accessible on the Cambridge Core website until the 31st May.

 SPEAKERS: Professor Jane Ohlmeyer (TCD) Professor Patricia Coughlan (UCC) Professor Chris Morash (TCD). Prof Claire Connolly, UCC; Prof Marjorie Howes (Boston College); Prof Moyra Haslett (QUB), Prof Matthew Campbell (York); Prof Eve Patten (TCD); Prof Paige Reynolds (Holy Cross); Prof Eric Falci (Berkeley)