CfP: ACIS Midwest Regional Conference. Creighton University, Omaha, October 10-12
In her 1936 novel, Mary Lavelle, Kate O’Brien explains that, while in Spain and “bereft of the […] Irish back-cloth,” her eponymous protagonist was putting out “unexpected shoots.” Her ability to grow and develop is increased by this move elsewhere, to new and different soil. O’Brien’s novel provides us thevopportunity and the framework to reassess and explore the state of Irish Studies in new ways. What “unexpected shoots” has our field put out? What roots might it need set down in order to continue producing new fruit?vThe theme of the 2019 Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies invites papers that explore new aspects of Irish Studies, that draw on new frameworks, that spark new conversations, that attempt to strike out in new directions. We invite papers, panels, and roundtable discussions that consider any topic pertinent to Irish or Irish diasporic culture. In keeping with the interdisciplinary remit of Irish Studies, we welcome papers from all disciplines, and especially welcome proposals from disciplines less commonly heard from in Irish Studies, such as art, archaeology, music,political science, and economics.
Potential Topics Include:
- Unexplored Connections Across Traditions
- Unexpected Collaborations and Trends
- Under-recognized Authors and Figures
- Unexamined Identities
- Reassessing the State of the Field
Further Details and submission instructions here: