Call for Papers: Planet Ocean – Interdisciplinary Workshop

Planet Ocean
One-day Interdisciplinary Workshop
21st September 2019
All Hallows, DCU

A consortium of researchers from Dublin City University (DCU) and the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) invites contributions for a one-day interdisciplinary workshop on the theme ‘Planet Ocean’, funded by the Irish Research Council. The workshop aims to bring together academics and non-academics from Ireland and abroad who engage in research or daily practice related to engaging with and protecting the world’s seas and oceans. Participation is open to all who are willing to look across disciplinary and professional boundaries to ask new questions. Such questions include: how do the natural sciences engage with coastal communities and heritage pasts and presents encountered in their research? How can local knowledge and practices of engagement with the sea inform academic research into the topic? How should conflicting interests pertaining to marine resource extraction and conservation efforts be charted and negotiated? In which ways can the natural sciences, local practices, and cultural heritage inform literature, art, film, and music made about marine environments in the context of global warming? Can work in the humanities contribute to conservation efforts and community engagement projects? By seeking collaborative answers to these questions, the workshop hopes to initiate constructive, ongoing interdisciplinary and trans-institutional dialogue on marine environments.

Please send abstracts / descriptions of creative contributions of max. 300 words, along with a short bio of max. 150 words to by June 30.

Further details are available in the full call for papers: Call for Papers Planet Ocean