IASIL Elections

Dear colleagues,


In my capacity as IASIL Returning Officer, I am pleased to confirm that the recent nomination process for the IASIL Executive has taken place within the period for which it was announced, and in full compliance with the IASIL constitution.


The list of nominated members for the period 2019-22 is as follows:


Ondřej Pilný – Chairperson

Cormac O’Brien – Secretary

Christina Morin – Treasurer

Rui Carvalho Homem – Returning Officer


Tom Walker – Vice-Chairperson for Ireland
Marisol Morales Ladrón – Vice-Chairperson for Europe

José Lanters – Vice-Chairperson for North America

Andrew Fitzsimons – Vice-Chairperson for Japan

Laura Izarra – Vice-Chairperson for Other Countries


Claire Connolly – Representative for Ireland

Lucy Collins – Representative for Ireland

Ian Walsh – Representative for Ireland


Shaun Richards – Representative for Europe

Katharina Rennhak – Representative for Europe

Thierry Robin – Representative for Europe


Jennifer Slivka – Representative for North America

Susan Cahill – Representative for North America

Kate Costello-Sullivan – Representative for North America


Naoko Toraiwa – Representative for Japan

Toshiki Tatara – Representative for Japan

Hironao Kobayashi – Representative for Japan


Beatriz Kopschitz Bastos – Representative for Other Countries


Laura Loftus – Postgraduate Representative


Positions for which no nominations were received:

Two Representatives, Other Countries


As specified in the IASIL constitution, the positions for which no nominations were received should now be filled by co-option, to be ratified at the Annual General Meeting of IASIL.


As regards all other positions, no more than one nomination has been received, which means that (again, under the IASIL constitution) it will not be necessary to hold a ballot. However, all nominations will have to be validated at the forthcoming AGM in Dublin.


Allow me a brief note to say that it was a genuine pleasure to cooperate with all who took part in this process – and to add that it’s a privilege to find myself nominated for another term in this position.


Looking forward to seeing you all (or as many of you as possible) in Dublin next July,

With best wishes,



(Rui Carvalho Homem)