New Poetry Collection by Majella Cullinane

Majella Cullinane’s Whisper of a Crow’s Wing will be launched this Saturday as part of the Strokestown Poetry Festival
There is an elegance and poise and care in the language of these poems, an unobtrusive mastery and ease in their cadences and rhythms. Here is writing so close to the sound of how our speech usually arranges itself, and yet set with a hard delicacy that makes it quite something else – memorable, direct, focused to the movement of how the poems present both thought and feeling. – Vincent O’Sullivan
Author’s Bio:
Originally from Ireland, Majella Cullinane has lived in New Zealand since 2008. She published her first poetry collection, Guarding the Flame, with Salmon Poetry in Ireland. In 2014 she was awarded the Robert Burns Fellowship at Otago University, and in 2017 was the Sir James Wallace Trust/ Otago University Writer in Residence at the Pah Homestead in Auckland. She is currently a PhD candidate in Creative Practice at the Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies at Otago University.