Call for Papers: Irish Women’s Writing at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Alternative Histories, New Narratives

Irish Women’s Writing at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Alternative Histories, New Narratives 

Co-editors: Kathryn Laing and Sinéad Mooney


This will be one of the first publications to inaugurate a new major Irish Studies Series:

EER Publishers

Studies in Irish Literature, Cinema and Culture

General Editor: Pilar Villar Argáiz


The aim of this essay collection is to capitalise on new research and innovative scholarship on Irish women’s writing at the fin de siècle and into the early twentieth century. An array of recent conferences and publications have highlighted the riches of this interdisciplinary and international field in which a diverse range of hitherto neglected Irish women writers have been recovered, their lives, works, networks and other contexts illuminated. The aim is to foreground current scholarship that at once develops existing strands of enquiry further and that also introduces new avenues for exploration. As well as ‘acts of recovery’, we also seek new engagements specifically in relation to Irish women’s cultural economies, particularly literary networks, access to literary production and publication, the long nineteenth century and emergent modernist aesthetics.


Chapters are invited on these and other topics including, but not limited to:


The Politics of Retrieval: Women’s Lives and Writings

Retrievals: Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Journalism

Irish New Woman Fiction

Irish New Girl Fiction

Ireland, Women’s Suffrage and the Vote

Literary Anthologies and the Canon

Literary and Publishing Networks

Transnational, transcultural, cosmopolitan aesthetics

Emergent Modernist Aesthetics

Feminism in the Archives

Archives and the Digital Turn

Digital Technologies and Methodologies

Future-proofing of ‘lost’ feminist digital recovery projects of the 1990s

Journalism, Newspaper and Periodical Histories

Deadline: Please send 500 word proposals by July 30, 2018 to and


Acceptance – August 30th 2018

Submission of First Drafts – December 30th 2018

Peer Review, Essay Returned with Revisions – March 31st 2019

The deadline for the fully revised chapters (5000 words) is June 30, 2019.