IASIL AGM Friday 28 July 2017: Agenda


We look forward to seeing as many members as possible at the 2017 IASIL AGM.


IASIL Annual General Meeting Agenda

Friday 28 July 2017, 15:30-16:30

NTU Singapore, Hive LT


1.        Chair’s address

2.        Minutes of Cork meeting

3.        Secretary’s report

4.        Treasurer’s report

5.        Future Conferences: 2018 and 2019

6.        Bibliography subcommittee report

7.        IASIL postgraduate activities

8.        Scholarship subcommittee

a.    Report on 2017

b.   Decision for 2018

9.        Report from IUR representative

10.     Reports from IASIL representatives

11.     Collaboration with Breac Bibliography

12.     General IASIL Promotion and Recruitment

13.     Any other business