Ilha do Desterro Special Issue: Call for Papers
Ilha do Desterro – Call for Papers
Issue v. 71, n. 2 (May 2018)
Special Issue on Artistic Collaborations
Invited Editors:
Maria Rita Drumond Viana, UFSC
Alinne Balduino Pires Fernandes, UFSC
Miriam Haughton, NUI Galway
The invited editors, Maria Rita, Alinne and Miriam, would like to call attention of members of IASIL to the CFP below. Even though it is not focused on Irish Studies, many of the main issues we are interested in bear upon authors, works and themes central to the study of Irish Literatures. Wilde’s collaborations with his illustrators and book designers (not only Beardsley but also Ricketts), the near abortive partnership between Yeats and George Moore in the writing of Diarmuid and Grania, Muldoon’s translation of Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill are well-documented instances of some of the pairings and groupings that have been explored productively.
Call for Papers
This special issue is dedicated to interrogating the histories, role(s), and dynamics informing the practice of artistic collaborations in cultural, and social spheres among artists in English-speaking countries or within transnational contexts. The act of collaboration often foregrounds a creative space that speaks to values of community, exchange, and artistic exposure. At the same time, artistic collaborations become enmeshed by intensities of process, personal/public politics, and both the tacit and explicit complexities surrounding paradigms of authorship and autonomy. Key to the theorisation of artistic collaborations was the growing scepticism around the figure of the ‘Author’, singular, with a capital ‘A’. In 1991, Jack Stinliger in his seminal work Multiple Authorship and the Myth of Solitary Genius began to question the pervading prevalence of this figure despite ample evidence of the involvement of other minds in certain creative processes themselves. Others have since employed case-studies with pairs/partners (often couples) and groups of artists across the arts, philosophy, and sciences to explore the dynamics that emerge from the joint work.
The processual aspect of artistic collaborations can be made visible to scholars by different means: letter exchanges between the involved parties and/or their friends, notes taken in personal, artistic, and research diaries, photographs, and making-of videos, among others. The need for dialogue, so that one can be understood by the other, provides one of the constitutive bases of the working relationships within collaborations. Not surprisingly, documentary sources—witnesses to the creative processes—involved in collaborations are often more abundant than those extant from creative processes by single individuals. Communication amongst collaborators strengthens circles of friends, as well as of tensions, organised as they are in sociability networks.
This trans- and multidisciplinary issue of Ilha invites essays dealing with literary, interart, and intermodal collaborations, involving artists and practitioners in the Anglophone context or from comparative approaches. In particular, we are interested in collaborations in pairs or groups, including:
- Creative writers, in particular when there is a question of power imbalance (male/female writers, mentor/mentee, generational gaps, etc.);
- Writers and illustrators, book designers, and other visual artists;
- Film directors and screenwriters, as well as other individuals involved in film or TV production;
- Playwrights, artistic directors, actors, scenographers, or the ‘theatre-maker’, ‘theatre artist/auteur’; terms developed from the professional acknowledgment of the multi-authorial process of roles in theatrical production;
- Writers and translators;
- Multiple translators (working in texts for different languages or on a single text).
About Ilha do Desterro:
Ilha is a pioneering journal and one of the longest running journals dedicated to English Studies in Brazil, covering linguistics, applied linguistics, translation, and literature and cultural studies in alternating issues. It was established in 1979 and is one of the top 5 journals in the area of Arts, Literatures and Languages in Brazil, and has since achieved international reputation. Ilha is an open Access Journal, indexed in many platforms, including the MLA International, ProQuest, SCOPUS, and SciELO.
For information on formatting guidelines for authors and how to submit your proposal online, please consult:
Send proposals by 1st of August June 2017
Expected to be published in May 2018
Should you have any queries, please email the editors:
Dr Alinne Balduino P. Fernandes, UFSC –
Dr Maria Rita Drumond Viana, UFSC –
Dr Miriam Haughton, NUI Galway –