REMINDER: Scholarship Application Deadline Approaching



The deadline for applications for the IASIL 2017 Postgraduate Scholarships is 7 December 2016.

In order to facilitate the participation of postgraduate students at IASIL 2017 in Singapore, fees for postgraduate research students presenting papers have been waived by the conference organisers and a number of scholarships are available.

Scholarships: A number of Postgraduate Scholarships will be awarded to attend the conference. The Scholarships, one of which is named in memory of Professor Werner Huber, will cover travel (according to the indicative bands in the travel document), 5 nights’ accommodation, and the conference dinner. Applications, and referee’s form, must both be received by 7 December 2016 and applicants will be informed of the results within five weeks after that date. Applications are to be sent to Shaun Richards:

Scholarship application forms and other info: