CFP: Women on Ireland Research Network Annual Conference
Women on Ireland Research Network
Annual Conference
Call for Papers
Waterford Institute of Technology
1st & 2nd of June 2017
Theme: Women and Irishness
Reaching the pinnacle of the 1916-2016 centenary commemorations, questions of gender, women and femininity intersected with the idea of Irishness have never been so pivotal. This symposium aims to bring together current scholarships critiquing female experiences, how women are represented in culture, media, and socialisation through the lens of an Irish experience.
Topics discussed may include but are not restricted to:
– Women in politics
– Women within education
– Representations of women in literature, drama, film, art, and culture
– Migration
– Health and medicine
– Sexuality
– Women and sport
– Nationalism and religion
– Women north and south of the border
Panel proposals are also welcome. Abstracts (up to 250 words) + short bio should be sent to on or before Friday 24th February 2017 at 5 pm.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Marie Leane (UCC)
Professor Anne Fogarty (UCD)
Dr. Mary Condren (TCD)
Professor Louise Ryan (Middlesex University)
Lian Bell (Waking the Feminists)
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