CFP ISE 8 Werner Huber
Dear friends and colleagues,
You will all have received the shocking news that Werner Huber, our dear and esteemed colleague, has passed away so prematurely.
His contribution to Irish Studies was immense, including years of service on the Executive of both IASIL and EFACIS. As Margaret Kelleher wrote, Werner will be remembered“as a world scholar in Irish literature and drama and as a steadfast champion of Irish studies and Irish culture within Europe and beyond.” As Sean Crosson wrote, “Werner has left an extraordinary legacy, including through his guidance of EFACIS publications during his time on the board. Many of us have benefited from his advice, support and friendship. He was a man of great generosity and humour and all of us who knew him have very fond memories of him.”
As Werner was a co-founder of ISE and its mainstay, we hereby invite colleagues who want to contribute to this issue in honour of him. As the EFACIS conference in Palermo of June 2015 was the last one he attended, we invite you to send papers on the conference topic:
“Beyond Ireland: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions” Essays in honour of Prof. Dr. Werner Huber
This title covers many areas, among which some Werner himself focused on. Therefore we would not exclusively but especially welcome papers on
– Film studies & Contemporary Irish Film (Martin McDonagh was a particular favourite, but all others are welcome too)
– Irish Cultural Studies: history, transitions in style, patterns, use of images, autobiography (with a special focus on the past 45 years)
– Sports and Irish culture
– De/Mythologizing Ireland
– Forms of absurdity, the comic (among which Beckett, Flann O’Brien, James Stephens)
– Media: physical and social mobility; digitization
– Reception studies
– Ireland in Europe, Europe in Ireland (esp. the reception of Contemporary Irish Theatre in German-Speaking Countries; on Beckett in (East) Germany; Interactions between Ireland and Germany/Austria
Approaches from all possible disciplines and methods used in the Humanities are welcomed, but of course mainly in literature, culture & media studies, psychology/anthropology and history.
As the time frame is rather tight we ask you to send an intention of contribution through an abstract of 300 words with some bibliography and a short biographical sketch before 20 June. Please send these to or
Papers should not exceed 7,000 words and will have to be sent in by 31 October 2016.