Special: Personal Remembrances of Seamus Heaney
The Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies
Announces a Special Irish issue
Personal Remembrances of Seamus Heaney
Helen Vendler, Harvard University and Bernard O’Donahue, Oxford University
scholarly essays on Seamus Heaney
“Crossing Common Ground: W. B. Yeats and Seamus Heaney”
Edward Larrissy, Queen’s University, Belfast
“Seamus Heaney and the Making of Sweeney Astray”
Stephen Regan, University of Durham
“Screening Belfast: ‘Heaney in Limboland’ and the Language of Belonging”
Rosie Lavan, Trinity College Dublin
Familial and Literary Legacies in Seamus Heaney’s Human Chain”
Michael Parker Columbus State University, Georgia
**Seamus Heaney section edited by Michael Parker**
In Memorium Brian Friel by Csilla Bertha, University of Debrecen
(Self-)In-Mourning: Paul Muldoon’s Early Elegies by Wit Pietrzak, University of Łódź
Contemporary Synge Criticism by Maria Kurdi, University of Pécs
Review of Christopher Murray, The Theatre of Brian Friel: Tradition and Modernity(2014) Richard Rankin Russell, Baylor University
Available at a special pre-publication price of 22 euros postpaid from the University of Debrecen, Hungary.
Please include complete address and a check for 22 euro made out to the University of Debrecen and request HJEAS 21.2.
Mail to: HJEAS, Prof. Péter Csato, Managing Editor, 4030 Debrecen, Pf. 73, University of Debrecen-IEAS, Egytemi Tér 1, Hungary H4030