Publication information, Ireland: Authority in Crisis

Dear colleagues,
Carine Berbéri and myself are delighted to announce the publication of Ireland: Authority in Crisis by Peter Lang, Vol. 70 in the “Reimagining Ireland” Series. You will find the table of contents in the attached flyer and below
All good wishes of the season to Efacis members

Ireland: Authority and Crisis

Edited by Carine Berbéri and Martine Pelletier

Bern: Peter Lang, 2015. Reimagining Ireland. Vol. 70. 298p.


Introduction: Authority and Crisis, Authority in Crisis, Carine Berbéri and Martine Pelletier

Part I Crisis, Authority and Literature

Irish English as a Literary Language: Authority and Subversion, Nicholas Grene

Mojo Mickybo by Owen McCafferty from Written Translation to Stage Interpretation, Brigitte Bastiat and Frank Healy

Authorities in Crisis and Intertextual Practice: The Example of Colum McCann’s Let the Great World Spin, Bertrand Cardin

‘Come Away, Stolen Child’: Colum McCann’s and Keith Donohue’s New Readings of the Yeatsian Motif, Audrey Robitaillié

Authorial and Perceptual Crises in John Banville’s Shroud, Mehdi Ghassemi

Looking for Oneself in Denis Johnston’s Plays: Auhtorities in Crisis and Self-Authorship, Virginie Girel-Pietka

‘Suffer the little children…’: Éilís Ní Dhuibhne’s Strategies of Subversion, Chantal Dessaint

Part II Society in Crisis: Challenges to Authority/ies

Authority and Child Abuse in Ireland: Rethinking History in a Hostile Field, Mathew D. Staunton & Nathalie Sebbane

The Banking Crisis in Ireland and its Resolution: Authority(ies) in Question? Valérie Peyronel

Challenging the Authority of the Irish State on the Question of the Middle East: The Two Gaza Flotillas of May 2010 and November 2011, Marie-Violaine Louvet

The IRA and ‘Civil Administration’: A Challenge to the Authority of the State? Michel Savaric

The Crisis of Authority in You, Me and Marley, Fabrice Mourlon

‘Through Darkest Obstruction’: Challenging the British Representation of Ireland (1880-1910), Claire Dubois

An Old Kind of History: the Anglo-Irish Writing of Irish History, 1840-1910, Ciaran Brady

Flyer Ireland Authority and crisis