Appel à articles/CFP Etudes Irlandaises 41.1 Printemps/Spring 2016



English version

Etudes Irlandaises is a peer-reviewed journal publishing articles in English and French which explore all aspects of Irish literature, history, culture and arts from ancient times to the present. Etudes Irlandaises publishes twice a year on a wide range of interdisciplinary subjects including: poetry / fiction / drama / film / music / politics / economy / social studies, etc.

General issues published in the spring alternate with special issues in the autumn.

Etudes Irlandaises is aimed at scholars, postgraduate students, institutions specializing in Irish studies as well as people who have an informed interest in the subject. Each number has a comprehensive section devoted to recently published material on Ireland.

The Editorial Board of Etudes Irlandaises is seeking submissions for the Spring 2015 issue of the journal.

Submission procedure

Submissions must be sent by June 30, 2015 (in order to be published in the spring issue of the following year).

For more information on stylesheet requirements and submission procedure:

(scroll down for English version)


For literature

Prof Alexandra POULAIN (Lille 3)

Dr Fiona MCCANN (Lille 3)

For history, civilisation, politics

Prof Valérie PEYRONEL (Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3)

Dr Mathew STAUNTON (Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3)

For visual arts 

Dr Valérie MORISSON (Bourgogne)

For book reviews

Dr Fabrice MOURLON (Paris 13)