Forthcoming… All Dressed Up: Modern Irish Historical Pageantry

by Joan FitzPatrick Dean

Cloth $39.95s    |    978-0-8156-3374-7    |    2014

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 “Dean’s book enriches our understanding of the overlaps between the theatre and politics in Ireland—but it also shows how Irish performance has always been surprisingly participative. Written with fluency and style, this is a masterful reconstruction of a neglected element of Irish life.”

—Patrick Lonergan, professor of drama and theatre, National University of Ireland Galway

 “This is the first thorough, widely researched and informed contextual study to document the relevance of the open-air Pageant in the formation, and reflection, of national identity in twentieth century Ireland….Dean evokes the visual and textual manifestations of these ephemeral, sometimes huge scale, symbolic participatory enactments.”

— Nicola Gordon Bowe, associate fellow, National College of Art and Design

 “A great strength of the book is the author’s ability to write with verve and wit, offering microscopic and telescopic views of these events.”

—Timothy G. McMahon, author of Grand Opportunity: The Gaelic Revival and Irish Society, 1893–1910