Mid-Atlantic Regional ACIS Meeting, Submission Deadline August 1st

The American Conference for Irish Studies Mid-Atlantic chapter welcomes abstracts for its upcoming meeting, to be held October 10-11, 2014, at the George Mason University campus in Fairfax, Virginia. Located just outside of Washington, DC, the campus is easily accessible from the city’s major airports and train stations.

Papers on all aspects of Irish studies are welcomed, particularly topics relevant to the conference theme: “Defining Irish Identity: Expressions of Cultural Nationalism.”

Paper and panel proposals, including a brief 50-word biography, should be emailed to Laura McCloskey, conference organizers, at ACIS.GMU14@gmail.com no later than August 1, 2014.

See here for the full CFP and details about the conference.

Our mailing address is:

American Conference for Irish Studies

c/o ACIS Treasurer

Glucksman Ireland House, NYU

New York, New York 10003