Symposium: Editing Eighteenth-Century Ireland
University of Limerick & Mary Immaculate College
Editing Eighteenth-Century Ireland:
Process and Dissemination
Ireland’s printed literature before 1800:
how, why and when should we produce new editions for the modern reader?
A One-Day Symposium: All Welcome
Board Room, Plassey House, University of Limerick, 2 May 2013
9.00 Coffee and Welcome — Professor Meg Harper (Glucksman Chair in English)
9.30 Session 1
Deana Rankin (Royal Holloway), ‘Voicing Amazons: Editing Henry Burnell’s Landgartha (Dublin, 1640)’
Michael Griffin (UL), ‘Between Swift and Goldsmith: Editing the Poems of Laurence Whyte (Dublin, 1742)’
[Coffee 10.45]
11.00 Plenary Lecture 1
Ian Campbell Ross (Professor emeritus, TCD)
‘Editing Chaigneau; or, Jack Connor, now John Conyers and … Huzza — Here’s Jack the Batchelor’
12.15 Session 2
Christina Morin (UL), ‘To Edit, or not to Edit:
The Adventures of Miss Sophia Berkley and the Question of Piracy’
Aileen Douglas (TCD), ‘The Critical Edition and Research Metrics:
the Non-comprehension of Intellectual Work’
[Lunch 13.30]
14.30 Session 3
Daniel Roberts (Queen’s University Belfast), ‘“Who the devil was Charles Johns[t]on”?:
Researching Johnston’s biography’
David O’Shaughnessy (TCD), ‘Editing Early Irish Drama’
16:00 Plenary 2
Andrew Carpenter (Professor emeritus, UCD) and Lucy Collins (UCD)
‘The birds and the bees: editing The Irish Poet and the Natural World’
17:15 Wine Reception
in honour of the publication of The Irish Poet and the Natural World: An Anthology of Verse in English from the Tudors to the Romantics (Cork UP, 2014).
Please contact the organisers for further information: Dr Tina Morin ( and Dr Michael Griffin (, School of LLCC
The organisers gratefully acknowledge the support of the Irish Research Council.