IASIL Lille : 14-18 July 2014 Programme

Monday 14th July


12h30 IASIL Board lunch
14h-17h Registration
17h-18h Opening Plenary Lecture by Clíona Ní Ríordáin
18h Reception



Tuesday 15 July


9h-10h30 Session A
Panel A1: Trauma & Traces

Blake Anderson: ‘This is my city, this is my body’: Rewriting the Greeks in Northern Ireland

Faye McDermott: ‘The Open Wound of Grief’: Conflict and Michael Longley’s Elegies

Stuart Johnston: ‘Looking for Home’: Trauma and Intertextuality in the Poetry of Paul Muldoon

Panel A2: Early Modern Ireland

Patricia Palmer: Mutilation and Meditation in the Irish Tradition: The Case of  Caithréim Thoirdhealbhaigh

Deana Rankin: Voicing Amazons: England and Ireland, 1640

Sarah McKibben: Violence and Representation in Sixteenth-Century Ireland

Panel A3: Staging Revolution

Yuh-Jhung Hwang: Sean O’Casey’s The Plough and the Stars: Sick Bodies and the Death-Ridden Images

Ruud van den Beuken: ‘Ten thousand years look down on you, ten thousand more are waiting expectantly’: Memory, Warfare, and Irishness in David Sears’s Juggernaut (1928)

Wei H. Kao: James Connolly on Stage: History, Imagination and Interpretations

Panel A4: Visual Arts

Christelle Serée-Chaussinand: ‘Embodying in Paint’: Series by Louis le Brocquy

Noélia Borges: Female Embodiment and Subjectivity in Peter Mullan’s The Magdalene Sisters (2002)

Valérie Morrisson: Contemproary Performance Art by Helena Walsh: The Female Body at War

Panel A5: Round table on The Body in Pain in Irish Culture

Fionnula Dillane

Margaret Kelleher

Emilie Pine

Coffee break
11h-12h30 Session B
Panel B1: Colm Tóibín

Kate Costello-Sullivan: Wilful Testament: Challenging Dominant Narratives in The Testament of Mary

Marisol Morales- Ladrón: Embodying the Mother, Disembodying the Icon: Colm Tóibín’s The Testament of Mary and the Shaping of Consciousness

Mary Helen Thuente: Colm Tóibín’s The Testament of Mary: The Earthly Embodiment of an Icon

Panel B2 : Contemporary Theatre

Nelson Barre: ‘All that’s left is ta start over’: (Dis)Embodying Memories in Enda Walsh’s bedbound

Graham Wolfe: Embodies and Disembodied Spectrality in Conor McPherson’s The Veil

José Lanters: Body and Mind : Thomas Kilroy and the Idea of a Theatre

Panel B3 : Prison Narratives

George Legg: Embodying Internment: Data and Control during the Northern Irish Troubles

Stephen John Dilks: Bobby Sands: The Body as a Site of Resistance

Fiona McCann: Embodying Resistance: Bobby Sands’ Poetry

Panel B4 : Gender

Lisa Weihman: Historiographies of the Real: Reading the Rising through the Lens of Women’s Historical Fiction

Michael G Cronin: Revolutionary Love: The Homoerotic Body in Brendan Behan’s Borstal Boy (1958)

Sarah O’Connor: Bodies, Clothing and Performance in Emma Donoghue’s Slammerkin

Panel B5 : Remembering WW1 (1)

Stewart Donovan : A Comparative Irish/Canadian Poetry Paper on Memory, Identity and Progress in Seamus Heaney’s ‘In Memorian Francis Ledwidge’ and Alden Nowlan’s ‘Ypres: 1915’

Trevor Sawler: An Introduction to the Irish Section of the Modernist Web

Richard McGuire: Michael Farrell’s Thy Tears Might Cease (1963) and the Great War

14h-15h Plenary lecture by Lisa Fitzpatrick
15h-17h Session C
Panel C1 : Embodied Waters : Ireland & Modernism

Nicholas Allen: Modernism and the Archipelago

Rob Doggett: Drowned Male Bodies and Markers of Belated National Identity in Synge’s Riders to the Sea

Nels Pearson: Strange Boat: The Kingstown/Holyhead Ferry and the Ambiguous Coasts of Irish Modernism

Panel C2: Joyce (1)

Emily Orlando: ‘He Wishes his Beloved were Dead’: Pre-Raphaelite Musings in Wilde, Yeats and Joyce

Nadia Khallaf: An Eco-Cultural Reading of ‘The Dead’ in James Joyce’s Dubliners

Matthew Gibson: Motion and Rest: The Role of Walter Pater in Framing the Aesthetics of Stephen Dedalus

Diarmuid Curraoin: Finnegan’s Wake and Irish Participation in European Conflicts

Panel C3: The Irish New Woman

Tina O’Toole: ‘Leaky Bodies’: Bioethics and Shame in George Egerton’s Fiction

Stephanie Eggermont: Opposites Might not Attract: Married Femininity in the Short Fiction of George Egerton and Ella D’Arcy

Maggie O’Neill: Modern ‘but not eccentric’: Elisabeth Bowen’s The Last September

Cliona Ó’Gallchoir: Women, Language and Desire in Grania

Panel C4: Shapeshifting in Bodies and Language

Michael Markey: Embodying Attitudes towards the Irish Language in Education

Audrey Robitaillé: ‘Citizen of his own imagined elsewhere’: Colum McCann’s Stolen Children and the Changeling Tradition

Chantal Dessaint-Payard: ‘No milk, no ink: what body to write oneself from?’

Giovanna Tallone: Shapeshifting: Reading Textual Bodies in the Fiction of Éilís Ní Dhuibhne

Panel C5: Bodies on Stage

Finian O’Gorman: The Amateur Strikes Back: John B. Keane’s Sive (1959) and the Amateur Drama Movement in Ireland

Mary Massoud: In the Wake of the Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs: Beckett’s ‘Inhuman Play’

Nicolas Collins: ‘Strange pain, strange sin’: The Body and its Economy in Samuel Beckett, Edna O’Brien, William Shakespeare

Coffee break
17h30-18h30 Readings by Paula Meehan and Theo Dorgan

Wednesday 16th July


9h-11h Session D
Panel D1: Man in the Cloak: The Embodiments of James Clarence Mangan

Sinead Sturgeon: Night Singer: Mangan Among the Birds

Matthew Campbell: Mangan in England

David Wheatley: ‘Fully Able/To Write in Any Language – I’m a Babel’: James Clarence Mangan and the Task of the Translator

Panel D2: Disability

Francesca Benatti: A Mere Wreck in Body and Mind: Searching for Signs of Mental Decline in Thomas More’s Late Writings

Siobhan Purcell: Disability, Life Writing and the Irish Biographical Form

Erika Meyers: Disembodying the Nation: Physical Impairment as a Symbol of Alienation from the Reconstruction of Irish National Identity

Vivian Valvano Lynch: ‘The tired smell of a body that is not yet sure of itself’: Evie in Anne Enright’s The Forgotten Waltz

Panel D3: Gender and the North

Taura S. Napier: Monstrous Geishas: Contemporary Autobiography in Northern Ireland and the American South

Anne Duflos: Transgressing Borders in Patrick McCabe’s Breakfast on Pluto

Fiona Coffey: Sexuality and the Gendered Body in Post-Agreement Belfast: Perve, Lagan and The Drama of Stacey Gregg

Mercedes del Campo del Pozo: Gender and Political Violence: Reinterpreting Cultural Constructions of Paramilitary Femininity and Masculinity in Women Writers’ Troubles Short Fiction

Panel D4: Intercultural Exchanges

Thomas Korthals: Dentists, Myths and Laundry Vans: Surprise Encounters with the German Past in Heinrich Böll’s Irish Journal

Viviane Carvalho da Annunciação: Paul Muldoon: Brazil and the Discovery of a New Body of Language

Paula Pratt: Lost (and Gained) in Translation: Exploring and Creating a New Metaphor for the Translation Process

Stephanie Schwerter: Embodying/Disembodying Northern Ireland: Troubles Fiction in Translation

Panel D5: Irish-English Exchanges

Jim Shanahan: Embodying Ireland: Thackeray and the Irish Soldier Figure in Fiction

Yvonne Siddle: The Female Body in Anthony Trollope’s Irish Fiction

Laura Lainvae: Utterly Unstuck in Between: Scene and Identity in Elizabeth Bowen’s Fiction

Heather Levy: ‘Making Each Other’s hearts Beat Violently’: Disembodying Ireland/Embodying England

Coffee Break
11h30-12h30 Plenary lecture by Carle Bonafous-Murat
Organised visits to the Piscine de Roubaix (museum), the Palais des Beaux-Arts and the ‘Vieux Lille’ in the afternoon


Thursday 17th July


9h-11h Session E
Panel E1 : The Theatricalities of Irish Cruelties

James Moran: Time to call PETA?: D.H. Lawrence, Cruelty and Ireland

David Lloyd: The Human Thing: Beckett’s Late Plays

Alexandra Poulain: The Poet’s Passion : about W.B. Yeats’s The King’s Threshold, Samuel Beckett’s Endgame and David Lloyd’s The Press

Victor Merriman:

Panel E2 : Gothic and Fantastic

Tina Morin: ‘Quite unacquainted with the place’: The Adventures of Miss Sophia Berkley, Ireland and the Irish Gothic

Julie-Ann Robson: Violence and Betrayal in Irish Gothic

Marie Perrier: Lord Dunsany: The Irishman against the Tide

Gaïd Girard: Saturating Words and Haunting Bodies in Eoin McNamee’s Blue Trilogy

Panel E3: Sebastian Barry

Constanza del Río: Sebastian Barry’s Novels: Revisionist or Subaltern (Hi)stories

Tom Saunders: Speaking to Shadows: Marginalised Irish Narratives of the Dublin Metropolitan Police and Royal Dublin Fusiliers in the Work of Sebastian Barry

Elisa Abrantes: Barry’s Versions of Irish History in A Long, Long Way

Panel E4: Joyce (2- Ulysses)

Mark McGahon: ‘Glorious, pious and immortal memory’: Anticipatory Intimations of Lyotard’s Différend in the ‘Nestor’ Episode of Ulysses

Katharina Walter: The Gastropoetics of James Joyce’s Ulysses and its German Translations

Dieter Fuchs: ‘Judgements of Paris and Falling Troy’: James Joyce’s Ulysses, the Iliad and the Great War

Adam Putz: Supply Chains: Labour, Poverty and the Nonhuman Animal of Joyce’s Ulysses

Panel E5:Friel & Carr

Martine Pelletier: The Cripple of Inishkeen: Staging the Body in Brian Friel’s The Gentle Island

Maurice Fitzpatrick: The Dramatist’s Function and Method: Brian Friel’s Historical Plays

Rania Khalil: Lieux de Mémoire in Brian Friel’s Translations and Marina Carr’s By the Bog of Cats

Coffee Break
11h30-12h30 Plenary lecture by Lucy McDiarmid
14h-16h Session F
Panel F1: Remembering WW1 (2)

Patrick Bixby: A ‘philosophy of evil’: The Great War, the Irish Press and the Nietzsche Debate

Heather L. Roberts: Erin in Flux: The Great War Memorials at Bangor and Bray

Thomas O’Grady: The Things He Carried: An Irish Private in the King’s (Liverpool) Regiment

Panel F2: Yeats

Youngmin Kim: What Happened Before/During/After WW1 for Yeats?

Lynn Cohen: Intertextuality in Yeats’ ‘The Gyres’ and A Vision

Stephen O’Neill: ‘Robinson Crusoe in this dreadful London’: Reappraising Yeats’s John Sherman

Andrew Fitzsimons: Yeats and Delight

Panel F3: Heaney and Longley

Elisabeth Delattre: The Great War and All That in Michael Longley’s A Hundred Doors

Tetsuya Suzuki: Memory of Absence, Absence of Memory

Elena Cotta Ramusino: The Bodies of the Past: Seamus Heaney’s ‘In Memoriam Francis Ledwidge’

Meg Harper: Anti-Alchemical Heaney

Panel F4: Modern Theatre

Helen Storey: J.M. Synge and the Agrarian Violence of the Whiteboy Movement (1750-1780)

Virginie Girel-Pietka: Renewing Cuchulain as a National Icon

Tom Walker: Denis Johnston’s European War and the Emergency

Mikyung Park: A Token of Triumph? Against Fetishistic Nostalgia for Male Myth in Teresa Deevy’s One Act Plays, In Search of Valour (1931) and The King of Spain’s Daughter (1935)

Panel F5: The Contemporary Novel

Rionnaigh Sheridan: The Corps of the Matter: Bodies of Law in Colm Tóibín’s The Heather Blazing

Mehdi Ghassemi: The Fragmented and Devitalized Body in John Banville’s Eclipse, Shroud and Ancient Light

Neil Murphy: Literature as Art: John Banville’s The Sea and Pierre Bonnard

Gerry Smyth: The Judas Kiss: Treason and Betrayal in the Modern Irish Novel

Coffee Break
16h30-17h30 Colin Teevan
21h Concert: Lame Squid


Friday 18th July


9h-11h Session G
Panel G1 : Sinéad Morrissey

Sien Detour : Seeing Through a Haze of Words : Ekphrasis in the Poetry of Sinéad Morrissey

Hedwig Schwall: Towards a Metaphysics of Seeing in Sinéad Morrissey

Rui Carvalho Homen: ‘Kaleidoscope,’ ‘cobwebs, whitewash’: Enabling and Disabling Visuality in Sinéad Morrissey

Naoko Toraiwa: Parallax and Body

Panel G2: Masculinities

Mariana Bolfarine: The Embodiment of Memory and Trauma: The Spectral Presence of Roger Casement in Cries from Casement as His Bones are Brought to Dublin and At Swim, Two Boys

Juan Ignacio Oliva: ‘Dysfunctional Bodies’: Revolving Around the 1916 Easter Rising in Darran McCann’s After the Lockout and Jamie O’Neill’s At Swim, Two Boys

Claire Nally: Irish Neo-Victorianism: Embodying Anxious Masculinity in Colm Tóibín’s The Master

Claire Lynch: Who’s for the Game? Irish Boyhood and Virtual Battlefields

Panel G3: Displacing Beckett and Beckett Displacing

Tony Murray: ‘Asylum after a point is better than exile’: Physical and Mental Displacement in Beckett’s Murphy

David McKinney: Detecting Descartes: Echoes of Beckett’s Murphy in Keith Ridgway’s Hawthorn and Child

James Little: ‘Who, what, where, by what means, why, in what way, when’: Watt’s Poetics of Missing Parts

Werner Huber: Sam Beckett and the Produsers [sic.]: Pop Cultural Variations on the Body

Panel G4: Famine Narratives

Marguérite Corporaal: ‘A heap of rags and old bones’: Narrative Spectacles of Starvation in Early Famine Fiction

Flore Coulouma: Body of Proof: Re-Membering the Famine in Joseph O’Connor’s Star of the Sea

Anne-Lise Perotto: Something Rotten in the State of Ireland: Star of the Sea by Joseph O’Connor (2002) and Melmoth the Wanderer by Charles Maturin (1820)

Melissa Fegan: Disembodied Ireland: Famine Remains in a Modern Landscape

Coffee Break
11h30-13h Session H
Panel H1: The Great War in Poetry and Fiction

Catherine Thewissen: The Lights Go Out: A Study of 1914 in Irish Wartime Home Front Ulster Fiction

Laua P.Z. Izarra: Mind Wars Within Irish Wars Within the Great Wars

Ciaran O’Neill: Remembering Conflict Beyond Ireland? The Irish Poet as War Correspondent

Panel H2: Trauma

Niamh Campbell: A Child is Being Beaten: the Politics of Prostration in Representations of Child Abuse

Anne Goarzin: ‘This is my story’: What Bodies Say in the Aftermath Project

Panel H3: Irish Drama Outside Ireland

Peter Kuch: Embodied Emotion and The Hibernian Father

Raquel Merino: Staging Sean O’Casey in Spain (1955-1973): A Struggle on Censored Stages

Ondřej Pilný: Notes on Irish Drama in Europe: Brendan Behan’s The Hostage

Panel H4: Disappearing Bodies on the Stage

Elodie Degroisse: Regenerative Disembodiment in Oscar Wilde’s and Samuel Beckett’s works

Michael McAteer: Botched Bodies and Missing Limbs: Sean O’Casey and Samuel Beckett

Lisa Fitzgerald: ‘Saying is inventing’: The Disappearing Body in Beckett’s All That Fall

Panel H5: Staging WW1

Anne Cormican: Bodies at War: Gender in Sean O’Casey’s The Silver Tassie and William Orpen’s War Paintings

Michael Pierse: Disaffection, Revisionism and Class in Irish Writing of the First World War

Dagmara Krzyżaniak: Dramatic Approaches to the Collective Trauma of the First World War in G.B. Shaw’s O’Flaherty V.C., Sean O’Casey’s The Silver Tassie and Frank McGuinness’s Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme

Lunch and Play: Gerry Smyth presents The Brother, based on the works of Flann O’Brien
14h30 Plenary Lecture by Declan Kiberd
19h Banquet


19-20 July: Post-conference tour, Lille – the Somme – Paris