Ireland and the Czech Lands: Contacts and Comparisons in History and Culture

Ireland and Czech Lands

Power, Gerald / Pilný, Ondřej (eds

Oxford 2014. 235 pp., 10 b/w ill.
Reimagining Ireland. Vol. 49
Edited by Eamon Maher

Paperback ISBN 978-3-0343-1701-6
CHF 60.00 / €* 53.50 / €** 55.00 / € 50.00 / £ 40.00 / US-$ 64.95

eBook ISBN 978-3-0353-0540-1
CHF 63.20 / €* 59.50 / €** 60.00 / € 50.00 / £ 48.00 / US-$ 64.95