Ireland, West to East: Irish Cultural Connections with Central and Eastern Europe

Edited by Aidan O’Malley and Eve Patten

Oxford: Peter Lang

297 pp. | ISBN 978-3-0343-0913-4 | £42.00

Through increased immigration, Ireland has encountered Central and Eastern Europe in a very direct manner since the mid-1990s. However, there was already a scattered history of cultural communication between these two regions, even if these dialogues have often been discrete and discontinuous. Recovering and exploring some of these diverse interrelationships, this volume charts some of the alternative, lesser-known routes that Irish cultural life has taken. By plotting various movements between these two peripheries of Europe, the book recalibrates the map of Irish literary, artistic and historical experiences. In doing so, it also looks to incorporate this movement into theoretical understandings of Irish culture.

Contents: Eve Patten/Aidan O’Malley: Introduction: Ireland: West to East – Barra Ó Seaghdha: A Journey Eastward: Reframing the History of Irish Classical Music – Lili Zách: Ireland, Czechoslovakia and the Question of Small Nations in the Context of Ireland’s Wartime Neutrality – Natalie Wynn: Irish-Jewish Constructs of Tsarist Eastern Europe – Philip Coleman: Writing Between: Hungarian Affinities in Contemporary Irish Poetry – Guy Woodward: ‘We must know more than Ireland’: John Hewitt and Eastern Europe – Borislav Knežević: An Exceptional Common Culture: Postcolonial Nostalgia and Ulysses – Tatjana Jukić: Between Auschwitz and Siberia: James Joyce, Danilo Kiš and a Zoning of Totalitarianism – Vital Voranau: Beckett Country: Irish Motifs in a Belarusian Landscape – Aidan O’Malley: Hubert Butler ‘In Europe’s Debatable Lands’ – Michael McAteer: From Ireland to Croatia: Hubert Butler and Alojzije Stepinac – Stipe Grgas: Hubert Butler’s Non-Presence in Croatia – John McCourt: Eastern European Images in the Irish Novel from Charles Lever to Colum McCann – Aisling McKeown: ‘A distraction in other people’s worlds’ or ‘an insider taking action’? The Representation of the Eastern European Male Migrant in Chris Binchy’s Open-handed and Hugo Hamilton’s Hand in the Fire – Mária Kurdi: Hungarian Migration to Ireland after the 1956 Revolution: Mark Collins’s Novel Stateless in the Celtic Tiger Context – Eglantina Remport: ‘History repeating’: From Belfast to Budapest in Glenn Patterson’s Number 5.

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