On the Edge: Irish and Scottish Studies Conference in Vancouver, 19-23 June 2013

[private]The Canadian Association for Irish Studies/L’Association Canadienne d’études Irlandaises, the Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies (University of Aberdeen) and the Centre for Scottish Studies (Simon Fraser University) are joining up to host “On the Edge” — an international and interdisciplinary conference to be held 19 – 23 June 2013 at Simon Fraser University, Harbour Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. We currently have around ninety speakers from around the globe who will present their recent scholarship on Irish and Scottish Studies. Keynote speakers will include:

Moynagh Sullivan, National University Ireland, Maynooth
Marjory Harper, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Louis de Paor, National University Ireland, Galway
Liam McIlvanney, University of Otago, New Zealand

There will also be a screening of Singing Against the Silence: The Gaels of Nova Scotia, directed by Michael Newton, St. Francis Xavier University AND a multi‐media presentation and lecture by Steafán Hanvey titled, Look Behind You! A Father and Son’s Impressions of the Troubles in Northern Ireland Through Photograph and Song. We will have a “Community Panel” with participants from the local Irish and Scottish communities here in Vancouver. In addition, Marjory Harper (University of Aberdeen) will be leading a workshop on Oral History that is open to the public.

This conference will be an opportunity for presenters and attendees to exchange ideas about contemporary issues within Irish and Scottish Studies, all while enjoying the downtown core of Vancouver, which overlooks the majestic beauty of British Columbia’s coastal mountains.

Although the call for papers has now closed, we would like to invite interested parties to attend our conference and participate as audience members for the presentations we have lined up. If you would like to attend, please register via our website: http://ocs.sfu.ca/sfuhistory/index.php/issc/ote. Attached is also a conference poster.

Please feel free to forward this email to others who may be interested in our conference “On the Edge.” Enquiries may be directed to Willeen Keough at wkeough@sfu.ca or Leith Davis at leith@sfu.ca.

All good wishes from the conference organisers:

Willeen Keough, Leith Davis, Dara Culhane, Derek Gladwin, Aaron Windel, and James Cousins