Breac: A Digital Journal of Irish Studies
[private]We are delighted to announce the Call for Papers for Issue 2 of Breac: A Digital Journal of Irish Studies. The issue will be out later this Fall. We were wondering if you would be interested in subscribing to our mailing list? It is entirely free to subscribe and emails will consist of future Call for Papers and Issue release announcements.
Issue 2 is guest edited by Lindsay Haney and Shaun Richards and will include essays from Brian Singleton on ANU productions,Emilie Pine on theatre’s response to abuse revelations, Niamh Malone on theatre and urban regeneration, and Susan Cannon Harrison Conor McPherson’s supernaturalism; an interview with Colm Tóibín, conducted by Paige Reynolds; and a video feature from Róise Goan, director of the Dublin Fringe Festival, on incubators and space in New Theatrical Dublin.
Breac is a blind, peer-reviewed, open-access, paperless journal that publishes critical and creative work relating to Ireland and Irish Studies. Among its many features is a forum section that seeks to cultivate a global conversation around the published articles among its readers, students, and scholars.
It also periodically streams live events through the website’s BreaCam. Subscribing to the journal is entirely free, and we encourage you to visit the website at
Thanks for your help, and if you could help spread the word, we’d be very grateful.
All Best Wishes,
John Dillon and Nathaniel Myers