New Crops, Old Fields (Re)Imagining Irish Folklore
New Crops, Old Fields
(Re)Imagining Irish Folklore
From our homes to our houses of government, from our schoolyards to our stadia, from our galleries to our gable walls, folklore is being re-imagined in all aspects of everyday life in Ireland. Today, with globalised, media-centric culture, the folk traditions take on new lives in music, literature, theatre, radio, film and television, advertising and tourist industries. The ancient stories and characters still find a place within the new multicultural Ireland and their depiction continues to evolve. Irish folklore has been made new again, in a regenerating of the tradition, where the old and the new, the oral, the textual and the visual intermingle.
This conference aims at exploring the rich traditions of Irish folklore, and looking at the various ways it is being, has been or indeed was, re-purposed and reinvented. We hope to bring together researchers at various stages of their careers, both professional and postgraduate, working on any and every aspect of the folklore of Ireland, its reappropriation and dissemination up to the present day or indeed the reuse of traditions. We welcome proposals from researchers in the fields of Agriculture, Anthropology, Archaeology, Architecture, Dance, Drama, Ecology, Film Studies, Folklore, Geography, History, History of Art, Languages, Literature, Media Studies, Music, Philosophy, Politics, Sociology and Theology, Tourism Studies. Topics may include (but are not limited to) the reuse of legends, myths, beliefs, folktales, songs, rhymes and riddles, music, dance, sayings and proverbs, customs, oral history, etc inin:
– Visual arts (paintgs, sculptures, dance, etc) and iconography
– Film, television and radio, music, theatre and performance
– Advertising, tourism, the diaspora and folklore around the world
– Literature, in English or as Gaeilge, children's literature
– Food and drink, urban folklore, politics
– Comparative approaches of the reuse of Irish folklore and international folklore
5th – 7th September 2013, Queen's University Belfast
Confirmed keynote speakers : Prof. Diarmuid Ó Giolláin (University of Notre-Dame), Prof. Harry White (University College Dublin) and Prof. Luke Gibbons (National University of Ireland, Maynooth).
There will also be performances from Irish musicians and storytellers.
Please submit proposals of 300 words for 20-minute papers and a short biography to by 15th June 2013. For more information, check out
Second call for papers