Yeats Annual 18: The Living Stream Essays in Memory of A. Norman Jeffares


Yeats Annual 18: The Living Stream Essays in Memory of A. Norman Jeffares was published in March by Open Book Publishers. The Contents are listed below, but you'll find all details at–18

where you can read the entire book for free. The prices for purchase in various formats follow, but you can order online through Open Book Publishers, through Amazon etc.:- Paperback ISBN: 978-1-909254-35-0 £18.95 Hardback ISBN: 978-1-909254-36-7 £39.95 PDF, e-pub and various portable formats  ISBN: 978-1-909254-37-4 £5.99

This is a new era for Yeats Annual, brought to you by the application of Open Access publishing principles. At you'll be able to read this 366 pp book which includes:


Professor Alexander Norman Jeffares 11 Aug. 1920-1 June 2005 Christopher Rush

From the Window of the House

Seamus Heaney


Lips and Ships, Peers and Tears: Lacrimae Rerum and Tragic Joy Warwick Gould Yeats and the Colours of Poetry Terence Brown


Yeats’s Shakespeare: ‘There is a Good Deal of my Father in it’

Denis Donoghue


What Raftery Built

Joseph M. Hassett


A Portrait of George Yeats

Ann Saddlemyer


The Tower: Yeats’s Anti-Modernist Monument  Ronald Schuchard


'Vacillation': Between What and What?

Helen Vendler


W. B. Yeats and the Creative Process: The Example of ‘Her Triumph’

Phillip L. Marcus


'The Cold Heaven'

Deirdre Toomey


Question Me Again: Reflections of W. B. Yeats and Seamus Heaney Neil Corcoran


A Checklist of the Writings of Alexander Norman Jeffares (1920-2005) Colin Smythe




A Vision (1925): A Review Essay

Neil Mann


Yeats and the New Physics

Matthew M. DeForrest



‘A Law Indifferent to Blame or Praise’: W. B. Yeats, The Tower (1928): Manuscript Materials, edited by Richard J. Finneran, with Jared Curtis and Ann Saddlemyer  Wayne K. Chapman


Denis Donoghue, On Eloquence

Sandra Clark


Nicholas Grene, Yeats’s Poetic Codes

Joseph M. Hassett


W. B. Yeats, The King of the Great Clock Tower and A Full Moon in March: Manuscript Materials, edited by Richard Allen Cave Nicholas Grene


Helen Vendler, Our Secret Discipline: Yeats and Lyric Form Denis Donoghue


Ronald Schuchard, The Last Minstrels: Yeats and the Revival of the Bardic Arts  Matthew Campbell


Fiorenzo Fantaccini, W.B. Yeats e la cultura italiana K. P. S. Jochum


Margaret Mills Harper, Wisdom of Two: The Spiritual and Literary Collaboration of George and W. B. Yeats Denis Donoghue PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED.

