Wm Trevor / Eliz Bowen international Short Story Competition 2013





                                    FIRST PRIZE:  3,000 EURO     (SPONSORED BY WILLIAM TREVOR)


         2nd prize: 500 Euro                  5 runners up prizes of 200 Euro each.


Mitchelstown Literary Society is pleased to announce the launch of the third William Trevor / Elizabeth Bowen

International, Short Story Competition. 


The Society was founded to celebrate the lives and works of two of Ireland’s literary greats with Mitchelstown connections. The short story competition evolved as a natural adjunct to our annual literary festival and aims to provide a competitive outlet for new and emerging writers in the short story genre. The continued support of William Trevor includes sponsoring the very generous First Prize.

 Our preliminary adjudicators are both well-known short story writers and book reviewers. They will select a short list of approximately 25 stories to be passed on for final adjudication.

 Drumshanbo born, Dublin resident, Ita Daly, will again be our main adjudicator. Ita was married to writer and editor, the late David Marcus.  Educated at UCD, Ita holds a Master’s Degree in English.  She has published five novels, a collection of short stories and two children’s books.  Two times winner of the Hennessy Literary Awards and an Irish Times Short Story Award winner, Ita’s latest novel ‘Unholy Ghosts’ was long listed for the Impact Award.

 Details of rules, official entry form(s), payment methods etc. can be had from any of our official contact points indicated below.

There is entry fee of 20.00 Euro per entry and the Closing Date for receipt of entries is last post on Friday, 5th April 2013.

 The winner and runners up will be notified personally as well as results being posted to the competition website as they become available.


Entries, by post only, to:

Trevor/Bowen International Short Story Competition,         

37 Upper Cork Street,


Co. Cork, 



Contact Points:

Tel: 025/84969       Mob: 086/8248736    Email: cusackliam@eircom.net      Visit:   www.mitchelstownlit.com
