IASIL 2015 Scholarship

IASIL is offering a scholarship to enable a PhD student to attend its annual conference to be held at the University of York, UK, from July 20-24, 2015 (https://www.iasil.org/conference-2015/).

The award will be made in accordance with the international mission of IASIL to support, extend and develop research on Irish Literature and will be particularly alert to the appropriateness of the applicant’s proposed paper to the conference’s theme (“Reconciliations’) and the benefits that attendance at the conference will bring to the applicant’s research topic.

The scholarship will cover

– travel costs to a maximum indicated on the travel bands. It should be noted that it is the location of the applicant’s university that will determine the appropriate award. Award winners will need to present receipts for travel and will be reimbursed for those costs to the maximum given in the travel band document

–  student accommodation.

— conference fees and conference dinner

N.B. Applicants should be members of IASIL. Award winners can only be confirmed if their papers are accepted by the conference organisers.

The final date for applications is 20th February, 2015

For notes about the scholarship:  IASILScholNotes

To download the scholarship application:  IASILScholApp

To download the referee information:  IASIL Referee

To download travel cost bands:  travelcostband conference 2015