EVENT: Joseph Valente and the Problem of Justice.

The UB Department of English cordially invites youto celebrate the career ofJoseph ValenteUB Distinguished Professor of English and Disability StudiesThursday, April 25, 3:00-5:00pmPoetry Collection, 420 Capen Hall In honor of this occasion, renowned Joyce scholar Maud Ellmann, Randy L. and Melvin R. Berlin Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago, will deliver a talk entitled “Joseph Valente and the

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EXHIBITION: Photographs and Archives of McGahern Country

A Deep Well of Want: Photographs and Archives of McGahern Country – A New Exhibition Event: Exhibition Opening as part of Cúirt Festival 2024 Date: 24th April Time: 4pm-5pm Venue: Room G10, Hardiman Building, University of Galway Q and A discussion with the curators, moderated by Professor Tom Inglis (McGahern Barracks Museum) This new exhibition of photographs by Paul Butler documents

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May 8, from 8 to 10pm CET, on zoom Elaine Feeney – How to Build a Boat (2023) Introduction by Prof. Katharina Rennhak (Bergische Universität Wuppertal) The EFACIS book club aims to introduce readers to highlights of Irish literature, both past and present. The book club sessions predominantly focus on contemporary fiction (and, indeed, mostly books that were published in the past 2-3 years) or discuss

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EVENT: PhD Lunch Break

The next PhD Lunch Break is on 30 April, 1-2pm CET, on zoom. Organised by EFACIS, this is aimed specifically at PhD students. The event is an opportunity to meet fellow graduate students, share your research, discover new opportunities in academia or simply discuss every-day or long-term concerns you may have as PhD students. For registration and Zoom link, please

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EVENT: Theorising Research Ecologies? An Environmental Humanities Symposium

Seminar Room H204 (and online), UCD Humanities Institute, 9:00 – 17:00 (IST), Thursday 11th April, University College Dublin.   How can the environmental humanities expand to consider ‘research environment’ as a form of environment? How do factors such as location, networking, and digital space matter to the environmental critic? Does turning a critical lens to our laptops, desks, or travel choices augment

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PODCAST: Scott McKendry in conversation with Alex Alonso and Jessica Bundschuh 

In his conversation with Alex Alonso and Jessica Bundschuh, Scott McKendry talks about and reads from his recently published poetry volume GUB. He discusses the new orthography he designed for his North Belfast accent in this volume; the importance of dialects and his research on dialect in Irish poetry; the balance between the serious subjects and the irreverent spirit of his

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EVENT: ISTR Postgraduate Forum

The Irish Society for Theatre Research (ISTR) is hosting a forum for PhD researchers in the field of Drama, Theatre, and Performance. This online event offers participants an opportunity to receive feedback on their research from established academics. It aims to forge connections between international postgraduate researchers and to encourage discussions that lead to future collaborations and exchanges. Format Participants

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EVENT: Shakespeare in Brazil and Ireland – Cultural and Political Perspectives

March 12 2pm (Brazil) 5pm (Ireland) | PPGI YouTube Channel NEI Digital Round Tables aim to discuss aspects of research conducted by members of NEI (Núcleo de Estudos Irlandeses of UFSC), in the field of Irish Studies, at undergraduate, MA, PhD and postdoctoral level, with scholars and artists from Ireland, and the Irish Studies global community. “Shakespeare in Brazil and Ireland: Cultural

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