
IASIL 2004 - IASIL in Ireland

20-23 July 2004


Graduate Fellowship Winners


2004 - literary anniversaries

Galway and Irish Writing

Registration (concluded)

Accommodation (no longer available)

Paper and Panel Proposals (no longer being accepted)



Guidelines for Panel Proposals

Update - 5 April 2004: Panel Proposals are no longer being accepted.

A panel is a group of three or four speakers, each delivering papers of 20 minutes' duration around a coherent theme. Examples of previously approved panels may be found here. Panel chairs generally do not deliver papers, but instead introduce speakers, facilitate discussion, and ensure timelimits are observed.

As in previous years, the IASIL conference will include panels around selected themes, organised by the conference administrators. Most participants in the conference will submit individual papers, and be allocated to panels by the conference organisers.

We are also offering participants the opportunity to form their own panels. Panel proposals are being accepted from:

  • Groups of 3 or 4 people who wish to deliver papers around one theme.
  • Individuals who will issue their own calls for papers for panels for the conference.

Independently-organised panels will be run in parallel with conference-organised panels, as full and integral parts of the IASIL 2004 Conference.

At present, we are asking prospective panel chairs to submit proposals only. Details of speakers, where available, are welcome - but these need not be finalised until a later date.

A number of panels have alredy been approved - details HERE.

Prospective panel chairs should note the following:

  • We are accepting proposals for single panels of 3-4 speakers.  Additional panels on the same theme may be organised, but only with the prior approval of the conference organisers.
  • It is the responsibility of panel chairs to choose speakers for their panels.  Such speakers should submit paper proposals directly to panel chairs, and not to the conference organisers. 
  • Panel chairs will be asked to determine their speakers' availability and requirements 
  • Each panel will last for 90-105 minutes.  You are requested to ensure that ample time is left for discussion and questions with the audience.
  • All speakers in your panel must be members of IASIL. Membership information is HERE.
  • All speakers in your panel must pay the conference registration fee. Registration details will be announced in April 2004.
  • Individual speakers on your panel are responsible for their own registration, travel and visa arrangements, accommodation, etc.  Any panellist who is not a member of IASIL or a registered conference participant, will not be permitted to speak.  
  • You may issue a call for papers for your panel by any means suitable to you.  Should you wish to include this information on the IASIL website, please contact the webmaster –

Please include the following information with your proposal:

  • A 500 word description of your panel.
  • The full title of your panel.
  • Details of papers, if these have been arranged.
  • Your name, postal address, and email address.
  • Your insitutional affiliation and position (e.g. Professor, postgraduate student, etc)
  • Any AV requirements you might have
  • Any dates in which you or any of your speakers will definitely not be available.
  • Your IASIL Membership status (ie - present member, membership to be renewed, membership application submitted/to be submitted)

If you are submitting your proposal by email, please send it in plain text in the body of your email, and as an attachment in a Word document.

The conference theme is "Writing Ireland 2004: Past, Present and Future". You may organise a panel that is relevant to this theme, but we welcome papers on any aspect of the literatures of Ireland. Papers that address any of the literary anniversaries of 2004, or writers associated with Galway, are particularly welcome.

All speakers and panel chairs must pay the conference registration fee in advance.  Registration details will be posted online in early 2004.

A selection of papers from the conference may be published (subject to confirmation). If publication goes ahead, the deadline for submissions will fall soon after the conference - probably no later than 1 September 2004. Submissions will be subjected to indepedent peer review. Look HERE for more.

Panel proposals will be accepted until 15 February 2004 by email at or by post to

Riana O'Dwyer , IASIL 2004

English Department, NUI Galway,

Co Galway, Ireland.


Emailed confirmaition of receipt of all emails will be sent within 3-5 working days.

These guidelines are COPYRIGHT, IASIL 2004, and may not be reproduced without permission.


















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This page was last updated on Thursday 3 June, 2004

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