Good news! IASIL has now added Paypal payment options to our website, allowing for the payment of membership dues through your Paypal account! See below for more information.
Should you choose to pay your membership dues though the post, please print out and fill in a membership form in Word Format or PDF Format, and post it to the Treasurer at the address below.
Members of IASIL receive the following benefits:
Two copies of IRISH UNIVERSITY REVIEW each year.
The opportunity to present a paper at the annual conference
The opportunity to post information about your publications, conferences, etc. on the IASIL website
Access to the IASIL Listserv (if desired)
Membership of IASIL runs for the calendar year.
Because of the new distribution arrangements of the Irish University Press, involving Edinburgh Press, members are urged to renew their membership early in the year to enable receipt of IUR copies.
At present, the subscription fees are:
€ |
£STG |
Ordinary 1 year |
40 |
34 |
Ordinary 3 years |
100 |
83 |
Couple 1 year |
50 |
42 |
Couple 3 years |
120 |
100 |
Student with Irish University Review |
30 |
25 |
Student, no IUR |
20 |
17 |
(exchange rates reviewed 17 January 2012)
Regardless of your home country or currency, as long as you have a valid Paypal account, you can make your membership payments to IASIL quicky and easily. After selecting your membership option below, you will be forwarded to the Paypal website to complete your purchase. If you do not have a current Paypal account, click here for more information!
If you would like to make a donation to IASIL through PayPal, click the following button.
You can pay your membership by credit card, or, until further notice, with a EURO or POUNDS STERLING cheque (drawn on a UK or Irish bank) or a EURO bank draft. All cheques/drafts should be made payable to IASIL.
Old-style Eurocheques and International Postal Orders will not be accepted.
IASIL members in the US please note that following Joan Dean’s retirement as IASIL Treasurer (USA) payment by cheque drawn on a US bank is no longer possible. We ask that US members make membership payments through our online payment option through Paypal above..
Japanese members - see the IASIL Japan Wesbite
Please send your applications to: Dr Joachim Fischer
Dr Joachim Fischer
Treasurer, IASIL
School of Languages, Literature, Culture and Communication
University of Limerick
All members whose membership expired at the end of 2011 will be informed and reminded to renew their membership by email, in January 2012.
IASIL Honours Scholarship and Support Fund
While joining the association or renewing their membership, you are asked to make a (voluntary) donation to the IASIL Honours Scholarship and Support Fund. This fund was set up in August 2001 to subsidise travel to and accommodation at the triennial conferences in Ireland of non-student members from countries where the financial costs would otherwise constitute great hardship, and to assist students to attend IASIL conferences.
All applications must be sent on an application form, which may be downloaded below:
2012 Membership Form in MS WORD format (66 KB approx).
2012 Membership form in PDF
Membership applications will not be processed unless accompanied by this form.
Change of Address
Have you changed your postal or email address? If so, please alert the Treasurer and the Secretary. You may also email IASIL Online, and your details will be forwarded. Please note however that you should not consider your email to have been delivered until you receive a written (i.e. not automated) acknowledgement.