2005 Charles University, Prague Proceedings |
The proceedings of the 2005 IASIL conference have now been published, and are available to order online GLOBAL
Clare Wallace & Ondrej Pilný Price: € 12.00 (not including postage) Global Ireland brings together a selection of critical essays from the Prague 2005 IASIL Conference, by the leading critics of Irish Literature writing today. Contributors include Richard Kearney, Thomas Docherty, Jose Lanters, Jason King, and Rajeev Patke. Go to http://litteraria.ff.cuni.cz/books/global_ireland.html Table of Contents I. GLOBALISATION IN THEORY & PRACTICE Thomas Docherty, The Place’s Fault José Lanters , “Cobwebs on Your Walls”: The State of the Debate about Globalisation & Irish Drama Jason King, Black Saint Patrick: Irish Interculturalism in Theoretical Perspective & Theatre Practice II. POSTMODERNITY, EXILE & HOME Rajeev S. Patke, Paul Muldoon’s “Incantata”: The “Post-” in “Postmodern” Gerold Sedlmayr, Between Copacabana & Annaghmakerrig: Paul Durcan’s Global Perspective Kinga Olszewska, Preliminary Notes on the Issue of Exile: Poland & Ireland Honor O’Connor, “While Stocks Last”: The Poetry of Dennis O’Driscoll and Contemporary Ireland III. PLACE, GENDER AND THE BODY Monica Facchinello , Sceptical Representations of Home: John Banville’s Doctor Copernicus & Kepler Harvey O’Brien, Local Man, Global Man: Masculinity in Transformation in the Horror/Fantasy of Neil Jordan Susan Cahill, Doubles & Dislocations: The Body & Place in Anne Enright’s What Are You Like? IV. CANONICAL WRITERS & INTERCULTURAL LINKS Richard Kearney, Epiphanies in Joyce Karl Chircop, Eveline & Mommina by the Window at Twilight: On the Window Motif in James Joyce’s “Eveline” & Luigi Pirandello’s “Leonora Addio!” Máirín Nic Eoin, “Kafkachas”: Kafka & Irish-language Literature Jeremy Parrott, From Samsa to Sam: The Metamorphoses of Beckett’s Ms Emilie Morin, “But to Hell with All This Fucking Scenery”: Ireland in Translation in Samuel Beckett’s Molloy & Malone Meurt/ Malone Dies
This page was last updated on Thursday 11 May, 2006
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