The International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures |
New Publications by IASIL Members Job & Fellowship Opportunities
Latest IASIL News, 18 May 2012 |
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IASIL 2013:
2012 Membership Forms and Information available
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New Irish Studies Conferences details of conferences for 2011-12 are now online in the IASIL newsletter - incl. James Joyce, Irish drama, J.B. Yeats, and many more... New Publications - New publications by IASIL members on Irish Drama, the Irish short story, The Quiet Man, Seamus Heaney, and more. Irish Summer Schools - Summer Programmes for various exciting Irish experiences. Publishing Opportunites - New approaches to Irish migration and more. Jobs and Fellowships - Visiting Professor in Contributing Material to the IASIL website. If any member has information that they would like to submit to the IASIL website, please contact the IASIL webmaster at his new address: iasilwebmaster@gmail.com. Members may also send material to the listserv by emailing the Secretary [Duncan@cord.edu].
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IASIL was formed in 1970 with the chartered aims of: |
Promoting the teaching and study of Irish literature in third-level education throughout the world Facilitating international contact between scholars researching in the field of Irish Literary Studies. Serving as a vehicle for bringing Irish writing to a wider audience throughout the world In recognition of developments in Irish Studies, the Association's Members voted in 1998 to rename the organisation from The International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature (IASAIL) to IASIL - the International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures.
Monday, 28 November, 2011 |
Number of Visitors 6 July 2003 - 30 June 2008:488,271 Daily Average (2007): 405 |
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