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The International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures

IASIL Conferences

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2006 Conference - Sydney

2005 Conference - Prague

2004 Conference - Galway

2003 Conference - Debrecen

2002 Conference - Sau Paulo

2001 Conference - DCU and St Patrick's College (Dublin)

2000 Conference - Bath

1999 Conference - Barcelona

1998 Conference - Limerick

1997: Goteborg

1996: New York

1995: Cork

1994: Sardinia

1993: Cairo

1992: Trinity College Dublin

1991: Leiden University, Netherlands

1990: Kyoto, Japan

1989: Debrecen

1988: Coleraine

1987: Caen

1986: Uppsala, Sweden

1985: Belfast

1984: Graz

1982: University College, Dublin

1981: Wuppertal, Germany

1979: Maynooth

1978: Lille


1973: Cork

1970: Inaugural Conference, Trinity College Dublin




IASIL Conference 1998

IASIL 1998 Proceedings - Back to the Present: Forward to the Past: Irish Writing and History since 1798.

Edited by Patricia A. Lynch, Joachim Fischer and Brian Coates

The island of Ireland, north and south, has produced a great diversity of writing in both English and Irish for hundreds of years, often using the memories embodied in its competing views of history as a fruitful source of literary inspiration. Placing Irish literature in an international context, these two volumes explore the connection between Irish history and literature, in particular the Rebellion of 1798, in a more comprehensive, diverse and multi-faceted way than has often been the case in the past. The fifty-three authors bring their national and personal viewpoints as well as their critical judgements to bear on Irish literature in these stimulating articles. The contributions also deal with topics such as Gothic literature, ideology, and identity, as well as gender issues, connections with the other arts, regional Irish literature, in particular that of the city of Limerick, translations, the works of Joyce, and comparisons with the literature of other nations.

The contributors are all members of IASIL (International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures). Back to the Present: Forward to the Past: Irish Writing and History since 1798 will be of interest to both literary scholars and professional historians, but also to the general student of Irish writing and Irish culture.

The editors of the volumes, Dr Patricia A. Lynch, Dr Joachim Fischer, and Dr Brian Coates are all members of the Department of Languages and Cultural Studies Of the University of Limerick, Ireland. Their fields of expertise lie in the literature, language and cultural aspects of Ireland, Germany, and Britain, and to the connections between these areas.

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Costerus NS 162
Out of Limerick: Kate O'Brien - Frank McCourt
María de la CINTA RAMBLADO MINERO: Kate O'Brien as a "Herstorical" Writer: The Personal Story of Women
Clare WALLACE: Judgement in Kate O'Brien's The Land of Spices
Taura S. NAPIER: "External Impressions of Life": The Paradoxical Autobiographies of Kate O'Brien
Karin ZETTL: Transcending Borders - Limerick, Ireland, Europe: Kate O'Brien as Critic and Novelist
M. Casey DIANA: To Heal and Be Healed: Reading Angela's Ashes
Alexandra HENDRIOK: Angela's Ashes: Myth and the Memoir of an Irish Survivor
Paul ROBINSON: Angela in America: Frank McCourt's Memoir
Malcolm BALLIN: Regionalism and Realism in The Bell
Thomas O'GRADY: Putting Benedict Kiely in His Place
Kristin MORRISON: Ireland and the Sea: Where is "The Mainland"?
Irish Writing and Translation
Maurice HARMON: The Colloquy of the Old Men: Shape and Substance
Sean MYTHEN: Thomas Furlong: The Case for the Reassessment of a Forgotten Nineteenth-Century Poet and Journalist
Rui CARVALHO HOMEM: "Their Jealous Art": Translators, Precursors and Epigones in the Poetry of Seamus Heaney
John HILDEBIDLE: Translation and Retranslation? Field Day and the Reversal of Cultural Colonizations
Anthony McCANN: "Ar Lorg na Gaoithe": The Impossibility of Translating Séamas Mac Annaidh's Cuaifeach Mo Londubh Buí into English
Joyce and Identity
Patrick BOHAN: National Poets and Joyce
Marisol MORALES LADRÓN: James Joyce's Anxiety of Influence: His Place Inside and Outside the Irish Literary Tradition
Eugene O'BRIEN: "Identities in the Writer Complexus": Joyce, Europe and Irish Identities
Countervoices in Irish Writing
Hiroyuki YAMASAKI: Yeats' Representation of Romantic Ireland: His Obsession with Proper or Singular Nouns
Joanny MOULIN: Seamus Heaney's Versus, or Poetry as Still Revolution
Åke PERSSON: Brendan Kennelly's Poetry My Arse (1995): An Alternative Ars(e) Poetic
Shane MURPHY: Intertextual Relations in Medbh McGuckian's Poetry
Giovanna TALLONE: "That Is a Lie": Verbal Deceit in Friel's The Communication Cord
Klaus-Gunnar SCHNEIDER: AnOther History of Irish Literature: Creating Spaces for the Homosexual in Irish Prose
Ireland and the Wider World
B. R. SIEGFRIED: Shadows of an Irish Grace on the Elizabethan Stage: A Prelude to Further Readings of Shakespeare
Donatella ABBATE BADIN: Lady Morgan's Italy: Travel Book or Political Tract?
Giovanni PILLONCA: Marking Time: Some Considerations on Dante's Presence in Station Island
Nicholas MEIHUIZEN: The Poetics of Violence: The Parallel Case of Seamus Heaney and Mongane Wally Serote
Mary M. F. MASSOUD: Historic or Comic? The Irishness of Durrell's Alexandria Quartet
Notes on Contributors and Editors

Costerus NS 161
Patricia A. LYNCH, Joachim FISCHER and Brian COATES: Introduction
1798: Acts of Memory
John Wilson FOSTER: Guests of the Nation
Michael PARKER: Woven Figures: Seamus Heaney and Nationalist Tradition
Frank MOLLOY: Thomas Campbell's "Exile of Erin": English Poem, Irish Reactions
John F. HEALY: Seamus Heaney and the Croppies: 1798 and the Poet's Early Political Inclinations
Narrating the Past
Teresa CASAL: "I did not know what to think, so I said nothing": Narrative Politics in Castle Rackrent
Douglas G. S. SIMES: Redmond Count O'Hanlon, The Irish Rapparee: William Carleton and the Problematical Past
Jefferson HOLDRIDGE: "Unspeakable Home": The Post-colonial Aesthetics of Irish Poetry from Beckett to McGuckian
Silvia DIEZ FABRE: Jennifer Johnston's How Many Miles to Babylon? Questioning the Past Among Echoes of Literary History
Elke D'HOKER: Masks and Mirrors: Anthony Blunt's True Confessions in John Banville's The Untouchable
Christa VELTEN: "Be Faithful to the Routine Gestures, and the Bigger Thing Will Come to You: Old Themes in Fermentation in Brian Friel's Give Me Your Answer, Do
Irish Gothic
Kellie A. DONOVAN: Imprisonment in Castle Rackrent: Maria Edgeworth's Use of Gothic Conventions
Mitsuko OHNO: Silenced Women/Women's Silence: Reading into the Past
Derek HAND: A Gothic Nightmare: John Banville and Irish History
Images of Irish Culture
Mary Helen THUENTE: The Origin and Significance of the Angel Harp
Síghle Bhreathnach LYNCH: The Influence of J. M. Synge on the Art of Jack B. Yeats and Paul Henry
Adele DALSIMER and Vera KREILKAMP: Stepping out: Reading Rita Duffy's Dancer
Nadia ZAKI BISHAI: Further Thoughts on Irish Poetry Set to Music, with Special Reference to the Art Song in Contemporary Irish Music
Lucy COLLINS: Marking Time: The Influence of Irish Traditional Music on the Poetry of Ciaran Carson
Women and Ireland
Margaret MAC CURTAIN: Writing Grief into Memory: Women, Language and Narrative
Kathleen COSTELLO-SULLIVAN: Silence and Power in Anglo-Irish Women's Literature
Eileen FAUSET: Revaluations: The Significance of Women's Writing in Ireland
Dominique NICOLAS: The Last September by Elizabeth Bowen, or A Chronicle of a Foreshadowed Death
Ann Owens WEEKES: Martyrs to Mistresses? The Mother Figure in Edna O'Brien's Fiction
Deborah COTTREAU: After Easter: Critical Reception and Belfast
Notes on Contributors and Editors


Page Updated 27 May, 2005
©2005 IASIL