The International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures |
2001 Conference - DCU and St Patrick's College (Dublin) 1991: Leiden University, Netherlands 1982: University College, Dublin 1970: Inaugural Conference, Trinity College Dublin
IASIL Conference 1998: Call for Papers |
Back to the Present, Forward to the Past UNIVERSITY of LIMERICK/OLLSCOILL LUIMNIGH IASIL I998 The International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures 1998 Conference to be held at the University of Limerick, Ireland July 20-25, 1998 CALL FOR PAPERS Conference Title: "1798/1998: Back to the Present, Forward to the Past" Main Focus: History and Literature Sub-Themes: Literary Commemorations of the 1798 Rebellion Romantic Ideology of Ireland Irish Gothic Writing Regionalism in Irish Writing, including: Kate O'Brien Frank McCourt other Limerick writers The Irish-American Imagination Ireland and Europe Irish Writing and Translation Music and Irish Writing New Trends in Irish Writing The Future of Irish Writing Maximum duration: twenty minutes' speaking time. Papers may be submitted as Gaeilge (in the Irish Language) if desired. Deadlines for Proposals - November 30, 1997 Deadlines for Abstracts - January 31, 1998 Address For Proposals: Dr Patricia Lynch (Convenor of IASIL '98) Department of Languages and Cultural Studies University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland Tel. +353 61 202101; Fax. +353 61 20556 Email Patricia.Lynch@ul.ie Proposals will be reviewed by the University of Limerick IASIL '98 committee, consisting of: Dr. Brian Coates; Dr. Joachim Fischer; Dr. Tadhg O hIfernain; Dr Patricia Lynch; Dr. Bernadette Whelan. |
Updated 27 May, 2005