barque du saint

The International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures

IASIL Conferences

Future IASIL Conferences

2006 Conference - Sydney

2005 Conference - Prague

2004 Conference - Galway

2003 Conference - Debrecen

2002 Conference - Sau Paulo

2001 Conference - DCU and St Patrick's College (Dublin)

2000 Conference - Bath

1999 Conference - Barcelona

1998 Conference - Limerick

1997: Goteborg

1996: New York

1995: Cork

1994: Sardinia

1993: Cairo

1992: Trinity College Dublin

1991: Leiden University, Netherlands

1990: Kyoto, Japan

1989: Debrecen

1988: Coleraine

1987: Caen

1986: Uppsala, Sweden

1985: Belfast

1984: Graz

1982: University College, Dublin

1981: Wuppertal, Germany

1979: Maynooth

1978: Lille


1973: Cork

1970: Inaugural Conference, Trinity College Dublin




IASIL Conference 1998: Call for Papers


1798/1998: Back to the Present, Forward to the Past
Limerick, July 1998




The International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures 1998

Conference to be held at the University of Limerick, Ireland 

July 20-25, 1998


Conference Title:  "1798/1998: Back to the Present, Forward to the Past"

Main Focus: History and Literature
Literary Commemorations of the 1798 Rebellion
Romantic Ideology of Ireland
Irish Gothic Writing
Regionalism in Irish Writing, including: 
	Kate O'Brien
	Frank McCourt
	other Limerick writers
	The Irish-American Imagination
	Ireland and Europe
	Irish Writing and Translation
	Music and Irish Writing
	New Trends in Irish Writing
	The Future of Irish Writing

Maximum duration: twenty minutes' speaking time. Papers may be submitted
as Gaeilge (in the Irish Language) if desired. 

Deadlines for Proposals - November 30, 1997
Deadlines for Abstracts - January 31, 1998

Address For Proposals:
Dr Patricia Lynch (Convenor of IASIL '98)
Department of Languages and Cultural Studies
University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Tel. +353 61 202101; Fax. +353 61 20556

Proposals will be reviewed by the University of Limerick IASIL '98
committee, consisting of: Dr. Brian Coates; Dr. Joachim Fischer; Dr.
Tadhg O hIfernain; Dr Patricia Lynch; Dr. Bernadette Whelan.

Page Updated 27 May, 2005
©2005 IASIL